11.11.16 Middle School
Results from Workshop Live Survey
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Quick Same Page Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
What do we assess? What we DON’T Assess What we DO Assess How well a student can organize their work* How well they behaved in class Learning and mastery aligned to the curriculum standards Demonstration of skills outlined in the curriculum
What do we grade? Not Graded Graded Work the teacher walks the student through Practice for the sake of practice The first time a student attempts a skill Work the student does independently or with only moderate support Practice done with the purpose of seeing where a student is (a checkpoint)
If everything is an assessment, then what is Assessment (80%) and what is Classwork (10%)? Practice Done with support A check in for learning A cumulative checkpoint in student learning Done independently A measure of student learning
Results from Workshop Live Survey
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The purpose of assessing For the Teacher For the Student Identify: Gaps Confusions What students can/can’t do Informs the teacher what to do next Provide feedback Reflect on their work Decide on next steps Think about their own learning Take responsibility for their own learning
Using Assessments Washback – review the results of the assessment to make sure the questions were valid and reliable Adjust instruction based on the results Provide support/reteaching/intervention for struggling students Provide specific/descriptive feedback to students with insights into what areas they need to improve
Designing an assessment Should not be something the student has never seen before Should be aligned to the content taught and curriculum standards Should have two pieces: Knowledge assessment: ability to show what you know (quizzes, tests, essays, reports, etc…) Application (performance task): show and demonstrate what you can do (presentation, projects, research project/paper, demonstration, etc…)
How well is your assessment aligned to standards? Look through your questions and your content area standards. Rate each question: 0 – not aligned to the standards at all 1 – somewhat aligned, on topic, but not right skills set 2 – pretty well aligned, may ask to do a little less or a little more than the standard asks 3 – very well aligned, asks for students to demonstrate the right level of mastery Put down the standard number it is aligned with if applicable
How well is your assessment aligned to PARCC? Look through your questions and your content area PARCC questions. Rate each question: – does not look anything like a PARCC question/task – looks similar to a PARCC question/task, but the wording could be better – looks lust like a PARCC question/task Look over your whole assessment, does it include the wide variety of PARCC type questions?
Next Steps/Take Aways?