Assessment of 1st FRMPs and 2nd RBMPs State-of-play SCG meeting 9 February 2017 Thomas Petitguyot DG ENV, Clean Water Unit
Overall timeline Common to 1st FRMPs and 2nd RBMPs MS reports: legal obligation = March 2016 EC Implementation report for WFD and FD: legal obligation = end 2018 initial intention = autumn 2017, as an early input to the evaluation process ( Water conference in spring 2018)
Scope of the assessment Second RBMPs: country specific assessments assessment at EU level (overview) First FRMPs: International coordination in water resources and flood management iRBD/iUoM specific assessments
Intended process - RBMPs Assessment and evaluation in 3 major steps: WFD achievements regarding status and pressures (EEA report) WFD "compliance" assessment Integrated assessment DPSIR storylines for main pressures (hydromorphological alterations, pollution by nutrients, chemical pollution, and abstractions) Synergies with other water and environmental policies
State-of-play Delays in RBMP / FRMP adoption and reporting But COMM report should cover most MS (not necessarily the late-comers…) delay in the planned publication (early 2018? – coordinated with EEA) Delays in reporting into WISE and in development of IT assessment tools On-going Pilot testing Start of actual assessments in March Opportunity to provide feedback on draft MS reports in late spring 2017 - discussion in next SCG WFD integrated assessment to start in late spring Cut-off date Aligned with EEA Consultation: to be discussed in next SCG Integrated assessment will come next 5 5 5 5