Science Project Learning “The Perfect Parachute” 2D1,Group 6 Members : Aaron,Ismat, Isaiah,Zoie and Yasmine
Objectives of these experiments: Our main objective is to figure out which variables are the most important when making ‘THE PERFECT PARACHUTE’. To investigate how one variable can affect the flight of a parachute.
Variables: Size of the parachute Shape of the parachute
Materials used: Plastic sheets (for the surface area) Strings (for attachments) Timer (for timing the whole experiment) Tape (used as the load)
Size The 3Cs Table: Variable to be changed: Variables to kept constant: What to compare: Size Weight of load Time taken for the parachute to reach the ground. Length of strings Material of parachute
Experiment 1 Size Obj: To know which size allows the parachute to fall slower or faster?
Procedures: EXPERIMENT TIME: Prepare plastic sheets of area 30×30 cm & 20×20 cm 8 strings of the length 20 cm Make one hole one each corner & attach 1 string to each hole. Attach the strings to a load. EXPERIMENT TIME: Drop the parachute and start the timer at the same time. Stop the timer when the parachute touches the floor. Do at least 3 tests to justify the final result.
30×30 cm 20×20 cm
Results: 30×30 cm 20×20 cm 1st TRIAL: 2nd TRIAL: 3rd TRIAL: Average:
Conclusion: The bigger the size,the bigger the surface area.More air is tucked under the parachute allowing the air to carry the parachute,allowing the parachute to fall slower.
Experiment 2 Shape Obj: To know what type of shape allows the parachute to fall slower or faster?
Shape The 3Cs Table: Variable to be changed: Variables to kept constant: What to compare: Shape Weight of load Time taken for the parachute to reach the ground. Length of strings Material of parachute
Procedures: EXPERIMENT TIME: Prepare plastic sheets of different shapes Area must be 900 cm Square (30×30 cm) & Rectangle (15×60 cm) 8 strings of the length 20 cm EXPERIMENT TIME: Drop the parachute and start the timer at the same time. Stop the timer when the parachute touches the floor. Do at least 3 tests to justify the final result.
Square Rectangle 15×60 cm 30×30 cm
Results: 30×30 cm 15×60 cm 1st TRIAL: 2nd TRIAL: 3rd TRIAL: Average: Square Rectangle 30×30 cm 15×60 cm 1st TRIAL: 11.93s 9.18s 2nd TRIAL: 10.28s 10.03s 3rd TRIAL: 11.15s 9.17s Average: 11.12s 9.55s
Error: Improvement: Getting the exact same time of letting go of the parachute and timing the experiment. Do not have a countdown for letting go of the parachute, it only delays the person who is timing the experiment.
Conclusion: The bigger the surface area of the parachute, the more air it has under the parachute which makes the parachute travel at a slower speed. If the parachute has a rectangular shape, then the falling speed of the parachute is faster.
Overall Conclusion: A PERFECT PARACHUTE must have: A big parachute size or a large surface area for more air flow to reduce the falling speed of the parachute. An equal shape for better balance. (For example:a square,circle or even a triangle)
Difficulties our group faced and how it was overcomed: The tangled strings It was hard to find everyone in the group because of unexpected schedules. How we overcame these problems: We spent some time untangling the strings. We started a groupchat to plan ahead of time.