NHS Breast Screening Programme Patient Information Public Health England have identified an issue with the NHS Breast Screening Programme which has led to some women not being invited to their final screen between their 68th and 71st birthday.
What has happened? Public Health England have advised that a number of complex issues including a computer algorithm and variations in the way computer systems were used across the Country to invite women for screening caused the problem
Is this now fixed? Public Health England have carried out a thorough investigation of data back to 2009 when the current screening programme began. A number of changes to computer systems and processes have been made and the system is now fixed.
How will patients be informed? All women affected by the incident will receive a letter from NHS England. Women who had not reached their 72nd birthday by 1/4/18 will be sent a letter to attend for catch-up screening. Women aged 72 – 79 at 1/4/18 will be given the opportunity to make a self referral for screening by calling the Helpline.
Helpline Number 0800 169 2692
Further Information More information is available on the NHS Choices website Women who have or have had breast cancer who are concerned about how this affects them or families of those who have died of breast cancer will have access to support from breast cancer charities, Macmillan and Breast Cancer Care.
Further Information Individualised specialist assessment will also be available to women who wish to find out whether there may have been harm to them, or families of women affected who have died of breast cancer. This will consider whether or not the missed screening could have altered their diagnosis, treatment or prognosis. This can also be accessed via the Helpline.