Implementation of WFD and MSFD in Slovenia Dr. Monika Peterlin Institute for waters of the Republic of Slovenia (IWRS) Workshop on synergies and differences between MSFD and WFD Paris, 18 and 19 June, 2012
Competent authority for WFD and MSFD Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Competent authority for WFD and MSFD Ministry of agriculture and environment Link: 19 areas of Work of the Ministry: Agriculture Air Biotechnology Climate change Environmental Impact Assessment Fisheries Food Safety and Quality Forestry Hunting Industrial accidents Industrial pollution Investments in the municipal and water infrastructure Natural disaster recovery Nature Noise (aerial) Radiation and light pollution State Aid Waste Water Responsible for implementation of WFD, MSFD and all other water-related relevant legislation
Transposition in national legislation Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Transposition in national legislation Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) New Water law (Official journal no. 67/ 2002) Regulations on the monitoring and management of surface waters (Official journal RS no. 63/2005, 26/2006 , 61/2011 and others) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) Water law change (Official journal RS no. 57/08) Regulation on the management plan for the marine environment (Official journal RS no. 92/10) Link:
Monitoring and data management (WFD and MSFD) Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Monitoring and data management (WFD and MSFD) Methods Ministry of agriculture and environment − Development of methods for monitoring − Expert groups support − Publication of methods in official journal 2. Design, data collection and management Slovenian Environment Agency − Monitoring program design − Data collection − Involvement of several expert institutions for monitoring − Quality assurance − Data management − Dissemination of results via their portals
COORDINATION COMUNICATION EU ASSESSMENTS Regional level Conventions Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia COORDINATION COMUNICATION EU ASSESSMENTS Region Mediteran Sub-region Adriatic MOP UJV ARSO Expert and governm. instititions on national level EEAs core product are reports on State of the Environment published in A 5-year cycle. These reports are targeted at tracking the efficiency of legislation, and are heavily supported by indicators. An example of an indicaor is the proportion of fishstocks that are fished outside safe biological limits in European seas. Data for the indicators are provided by Member States (voluntarily through EIONET and Marine Conventions) and International Organizations (FAO). Using (among others) a suite of indicaotrs, EEA reports on environmental status - also on issues that are not strictly demanded by legislation. MP MKGP Public, local authorities NATIONAL: DATA COLLECTION MANAGEMENT AND USE
State of MSFD work in 2012 link to WFD REMAINING CHALLENGES FOR MSFD Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia State of MSFD work in 2012 link to WFD WFD experience WFD indicators for TCW Chemical status – territorial w. LBS assessment REMAINING CHALLENGES FOR MSFD Low geographical coverage (mainly coastal) - Lack of data, short time series - Several methods for monitoring missing, problems in setting limit values (no reference conditions) Assessment of additional marine sectors, links to pressures are difficult to exctract (multiple stressors) - Targets setting with low confidence Initial assessment (art 8) Characteristics (Annex III, Table 1) Pressures and impacts (Annex III, Table 2) GES (art. 9(1)) Selection of indicators Socio-economic assessment ZAKAJ SPLOH SOCIO-EKONOMSKE VSEBINE Prikazati, da Varovanje okolja ni le strošek za slovensko gospodarstvo in družbo, ampak da prinaša tudi veliko koristi in da je veliko pomembnih dejavnosti odvisnih od dobrega okoljskega stanja in se jim vlaganje v varstvo okolja dolgoročno izplača. SOCIO-EKONOMSKE VSEBINE V MORSKI STRATEGIJI DO JULIJA 2012 DO 2015 Description of environmental status, relevant pressures and relevance of activities for the society Targets (art 10)
GES Overlap Missing NEW Overlap NEW Challenge of GES Missing Overlap Finished Overlap Missing Overlap D1. Biological diversity D2. Alien species D11. Underwater noise D3. Commercially exploited fish and shellfish D10. Marine litter GES D4. Marine food webs D9. Contaminants in the seafood D5. Human-induced eutrophication D8. Concentrations of contaminants D6. Sea-floor integrity D7. Hydrographic conditions
Classification under EU directives Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Classification under EU directives Additionally - Bathing Water Directive - (2006/7/EC) for coastal waters Barcelona convention (Med Pol phase III) Monitoring of pollutants in seafood, sediments and organisms Eutrophication monitoring Biomonitoring – biological impacts of pollutantas
Comment: 1 indicators can still include several elements/parameters Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Methods availability for monitoring DESCRIPTORS No. of indicators Estimation: Methods available ~45% indicators; Partiall develoment ~30 %; Missing ~25% Comment: 1 indicators can still include several elements/parameters
MARINE STRATEGY DIRECTIVE Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE MARINE STRATEGY DIRECTIVE Links: WFD and MSFD implemented in coastal and transitional waters; criteria for assessment of some biological parameters, relevant to both directives, are already developed ; assessment of land based sources ; ecosystem based catchment approach ; Gaps – additional requirements of MSFD: larger geographic coverage than WFD, beyond TC waters; more elaborated monitoring of biological elements and pollutants; new topics - assessment of marine litter and underwater noise; coordination on the regional level, common approach to monitoring; link GES and socio-economc aspects to define targets is a challenge; assessment of marine sectors and related pressures; opens new challenges for data management; broad scope for public participation;
changed after de Groot et al. 2009 Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia MSFD WFD Common challanges 1. Improve confidence level of assessments (monitoring, link P-S); 2a. Improve public perception of waters – beyond drinking waters and water quantity; 2b. Enhance knowledge on water ecosystems services, link between human wellbeing and good status of waters, go beyond sectoral approach (bias in decision making and priorities); 3. Enhance general public cooperation in the process (behaviour); changed after de Groot et al. 2009
MSFD WFD Common challanges for data management Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia MSFD WFD Common challanges for data management SUPPORT TO Improvement of management and public perception/participation KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT INDICATORS INFORMATION DATA MONITORING Integrated policies should reflect in integrated data management
Thank you for your attention! Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia Thank you for your attention!