Vocabulary Review units 1-2: Day one Divide your paper into 5 columns. In the first column, list each of your words. You may use any order you choose as long as you include all 23. In the second column, write a word or phrase that tells how the vocabulary word makes you feel. In the third column, write a word or phrase that you associate with that term (a person, something on TV, etc).
Vocabulary Review units 1-2: Day two In the 4th column complete the following statement for each word: A person who ______ (vocab word) ___________. (ADJ) A person who is (bereft) lost a loved pet during the hurricane. (NOUN) A person who shows a(n) (intimation)… (VERB) A person who (adulterates) something is ________. consider the part of speech. In the 5th column write something from the definition that makes the word unique, especially if there are others similar to it. Consider augment and adulterate for example. Determine something that will help you remember the difference or shade of meaning. **Remember, these activities are to help you prepare for the test Friday. Don’t worry about the right or wrong answer. Do what works for you.