Cantos 7-19 Inferno Art
Plutus – Level four – Mendleson
Plutus - Blake
Greedy and Squanders - Dore
Avarice and Prodigal - Dali
Level four - Vellutello
Wrathful and Sullen - Blake
Filippo Argenti - Dore
City of Dis - Botticelli
Fury - Dali
Furies and Medusa - Robertson
Dis and Furies – Flaxman
Angel in Dis - Dore
Heretics level six - Dore
Level 6 Heretics - Robertson
Heretics - Vasile
Level 7 Violent - Vellutello
Minotaur - Robertson
Centaur - Flaxman
Centaur and Minotaur - Dore
River of Blood - Botticelli
Suicides and Harpy - Robertson
Suicides - Flaxman
Wood of Suicides - Dore
Suicides - Dali
Blasphemers - Dore
Blaspheming Capaneus - Blake
Sodomites, Usurers - Botticelli
Sodomites - Flaxman
Old Man of Crete – Flaxman
Old Man of Crete - Blake
Geryon - Dore
Geryon - Blake
Geryon - Robertson
Fraud - Botticelli
Fraud, seducers/pimps - Dore
Flatterers - Flaxman
Simony - Dore
Pope Nicholas III - Blake
Pope Nicholas III - Robertson