Tuesday, February 6th Day 1
Lyssiana 2 Avery JK Colton 1
In the Gym NB #1 NB #2 After School Senior Girls Basketball Practice Primary Olympics After School .
Team USA (Dale) vs Team China (Dexter-Meyers) SECOND NUTRITION BREAK Grade 1 and 2 OLYMPIC INTRAMURALS Team USA (Dale) vs Team China (Dexter-Meyers) SECOND NUTRITION BREAK
In the Music Room NB #1 NB #2 After School Open practice NB #2 Band rehearsal. Remember your music so we maximize our rehearsal time. After School Sign-out...work on your material
Indoor Track Team Practices Wed-NB #1 *bring permission forms
Last week to check out the Lost and Found Bins! Are any of these items yours? There are still many hoodies, hats, mitts and gloves. Please check the bins BEFORE Friday.
Winona Spirit Day Friday Feb 9th Kick Off for Wi Wear Red and White for Team Canada or Any Sports Jersey
Today is Sub Day
Who is this?
SOOHORANG Soohorang, the mascot of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, took its motif from the white tiger. The white tiger has been long considered Korea’s guardian animal. “Sooho”, meaning protection in Korean, symbolises the protection offered to the athletes, spectators and other participants of the 2018 Games. “Rang” comes from the middle letter of “Ho-rang-i”, the Korean word for “tiger,” and is also the last letter of “Jeong-seon A-ri-rang”, a cherished traditional folk song of Gangwon Province, where the Games will be held.
Have a special day, Winona