For trying really hard to trace the letter a edsd Achievement Award Jayden For trying really hard to trace the letter a and making the ‘a’ sound whilst he was doing it. Well done Jayden. Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Sofie edsd Achievement Award Sofie For sustaining attention during Stages 1 and 2 of Bucket Time. Well done Sofie. Date: 9th October 2015
For doing brilliantly in her swimming lesson. edsd Achievement Award Leigh-Anna For doing brilliantly in her swimming lesson. She sat on the bottom of the pool and tried really hard to swim without a float. Well done Leigh-Anna! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Nalin edsd Achievement Award Nalin For doing really well with his PECs work, asking for different things using sentences with 4 words in. Well done Nalin! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Niamh edsd Achievement Award Niamh For independently using a switch to operate the bubble tube on 3 occasions. Well done Niamh! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Harvey edsd Achievement Award Harvey For excellent work in maths where he successfully counted and ordered numbers. Well done Harvey! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Gabriel edsd Achievement Award Gabriel For doing really well with his communication at snack time by requesting a banana using a photo. Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Tiarna edsd Achievement Award Tiarna For exploring all the props and giving good eye contact whilst listening to a sensory story of Matilda. Well done Tiarna! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Matt edsd Achievement Award Matt For being really confident at the QE2 activity centre and going further on the ropes course. Well done Matt! Date: 9th October 2015
Achievement Award Adam edsd Achievement Award Adam For settling back into school and working hard after his operation. Well done Adam! Date: 9th October 2015
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Jake For using the iPad to say good morning and good afternoon at registration time. Well done Jake! Date: 9th October 2015