World History French Revolution
The French Revolution Leading up to Revolution 100 200 300 400 500 Begins 100 200 300 400 500 Governments Of France 100 200 300 400 500 People of Revolution 100 200 300 400 500 Terms and Stuff 100 200 300 400 500
What were the peasants? (bourgeoise or commoners is acceptable) MAIN There were three classes of people in France – the 1st Estate was the religious clergy, the 2nd Estate was the powerful nobility, and the 3rd Estate was this group – the vast majority of French men and women. SUBJECT: Leading up to the Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What were the, War of the Austrian Succession ( 1740 – 1748), The Seven Years War (1756 – 1763) or The American Revolutionary War (1776-1783)? MAIN Identify one of the three expensive wars that were fought leading up to the French Revolution and exhausting the French Treasury. SUBJECT: Leading up to the Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
Who was Marie Antoinette? MAIN King Louis XVI’s Austrian wife was likely the most unpopular Queen of France in history. She was nicknamed “Madame Deficit” because of her outlandish spending while the people of France went hungry. Name her. SUBJECT: Leading up to the Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What was the Estates General? MAIN King Louis XVI reluctantly allowed this legislative body made up of members of the Three Estates to meet in 1789 and work on the financial crisis. SUBJECT: Leading up to the Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
Who was Jacques Neckar? MAIN When this finance minister popular with the people was fired by leaders loyal to the king, it triggered events that started the French Revolution SUBJECT: Leading up to the Revolution 500 400 300 200 100
What was the Tennis Court Oath? MAIN After being locked out of the Estates General, the members of the Third Estate met and made this famous pledge to form a National Assembly and write a Constitution for France. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Revolution Begins 200 100
What was the Bastille? MAIN This was the prison in Paris that was stormed by the Paris mob on July 14th, 1789 and became the symbol of the beginning of the French Revolution. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Revolution Begins 200 100
What is Paris? MAIN Huge crowds forced King Louis XVI from his palace in Versailles and returned him to this city where he was then forced to accept the new laws created by the National Assembly. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Revolution Begins 200 100
What was the “Great Fear” MAIN This was the mass hysteria that swept the French countryside in rumors of invasion or armies of brigands and led to destruction of property and lives in the provinces in 1789. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Revolution Begins 200 100
What was the Declaration of Rights of Man and of Citizen? MAIN This was the French document that was based on the American Declaration of Independence and drawn up by the National Assembly in August of 1789. 500 400 300 SUBJECT: Revolution Begins 200 100
What was the National Assembly? MAIN Revolutionary leaders of the Third Estate abandoned the Estates General and formed this legislative government at the start of the Revolution. 500 SUBJECT: Governments of France 400 300 200 100
What was the Paris Commune? MAIN Under threat from invasion, this radical form of government pushed aside the Legislative Assembly and made King Louis XVI a prisoner 500 SUBJECT: Governments of France 400 300 200 100
What was the Committee of Public Safety? MAIN This was the group of twelve men who led the police and court tribunals during The Reign of Terror to eliminate the enemies of the state 500 SUBJECT: Governments of France 400 300 200 100
What was the Directory? MAIN Created to unify the country and bring an end to the Revolution, this corrupt group of five leaders controlling the French Legislature was overthrown by Napoleon in 1799 500 SUBJECT: Governments of France 400 300 200 100
What were the Girondins and the “Mountain” MAIN The National Assembly and later revolutionary governments had two factions of 'Jacobins' – these moderates from the provinces and these radicals from Paris – need both answers for points 500 SUBJECT: Governments of France 400 300 200 100
Who was Maximilian Robespierre? MAIN He was the radical leader of the Jacobins and later helped lead the Reign of Terror. He would end up being the last person to be executed during the French Revolution 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: People of the Revolution 100
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? MAIN This young French general won blazing victories against the British and Italians, then later overthrew the French government and declared himself Emperor of France. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: People of the Revolution 100
Who was Jean-Paul Marat? MAIN This was the radical journalist who was stabbed in his bathtub by the Girondist, Charlotte Corday. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: People of the Revolution 100
Who were the 'sans-culottes'? MAIN These were the artisans and shop keepers who came to dominate Paris and therefore French politics. They got their name for refusing to wear the aristocratic knee pads worn at the time. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: People of the Revolution 100
Who was the Duke of Wellington ? MAIN Napoleon’s final defeat in battle came when he fought and lost at Waterloo in Belgium against this British commander (Hint: remember his royal title?) 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: People of the Revolution 100
What is the Guillotine? MAIN Invented by a French doctor, this blade-dropping device was considered to be a humane way to end a life 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What is a Coup de tat? MAIN The French word for the overthrowing of a government – the way Napoleon overthrew the Directory 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What was a taille? MAIN This French term describes the pre-Revolutionary taxation system in which the Third Estate was responsible for nearly all revenue gathered by the royal government of Louis XVI . 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What was St. Helena ? MAIN After his final defeat at Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon was sent to this far-off island as an exile – never to return. 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100
What was The Napoleonic Code (or Civil code)? MAIN A system of laws that preserved the freedoms gained during the revolution and brought uniform laws across all of France . 500 400 300 200 SUBJECT: Terms and Places 100