International Servas Meeting Where: Nové Hamry, Hotel Seifert, Czech Republic When: May 11-13, 2018
Program: Friday: 5.P.M. Arrival at Hotel Seifert in Nové Hamry, Krušné Hory, Czech Republic 7.P.M. Common Dinner 8. P.M. Introduction of participants, short presentations from participants about their Servas travels and experiences, games serving to get to know each other better, short presentation about weekend program 10. P.M. Free program
Program: Saturday: 6 A.M. Yoga excercise 7.A.M. Common Breakfast 8.A.M. Guided hike in the National Natural Reserve „Rotava Moorland“ which is one of the largest moorlands in Central Europe with endemic flora and fauna (pack lunch) 6. P.M. Common Dinner 7. P.M. Round Table Discussion concerning future international activities
Program: Sunday: 6 A.M. Yoga excercise 7.A.M. Common Breakfast 8.A.M. Guided Tour of Jachymov (Joachimstal) including visit to mine (silver mining, political prisoners, Madam Curie, Uraninite, radioactivity) 6. P.M. Departure
Important information: Cost: Accommodation (2 nights) including 2 breakfasts and 2 dinners cca EUR 45 Entrance to mine cca EUR 2 Registration: Limited number of participants based on earliest response, contact Pavel Sroubek by mail Questions: Contact Pavel Sroubek phone +420603250344 or by email see above