TRAFFIC OFFENDER INTERVENTION PROGRAM Providing Community Education That Creates Responsible Road Users And Safer Communities
If You Leave The Room At Break Time, Take Everything With You INTRODUCTION TO TOIP? TOIP is Pass / Fail Inappropriate Behaviour(s) Sign In / Identification / Writing Material Program Overview / Work Booklet / Certificates Emergency Procedures Location Of Toilets Smoking Point End Of Day Procedures Break Times If You Are Late You Will Be Refused Re-Entry And You Will Not Receive A Refund. If You Leave The Room At Break Time, Take Everything With You What is inappropriate behavior? Language, Discrimination, Aggression, Sleeping, Leaving The Room, Interruptions, Using Phone, Drugs / Alcohol Use
WHAT IS THE STRUCTURE OF TOIP? Reminder: by this point everyone should have done the introduction, but some people will be doing Part B before they do Part A. We only recommend that they do A then B. Final Evaluation is not done until after Part A and B are both complete
TRAFFIC OFFENDER INTERVENTION PROGRAM PART A Group Question: What do you think are the human factors that can lead to crashes. Do not discuss in detail the 3 factors (discussed in Part B), but allow for group conversation about mechanical issues, environment/weather issues and also human factors. Running Red Lights, Improper Turns, Failing To Stop / Give Way, Road Rage, Teenage / Inexperienced Drivers, Tailgating, Night Time / Poor Visibility, Potholes, Vehicle Defects / Tyre Blowouts Hoon / Street Racing, Unsafe Lane Changing, Animals, Driving The Wrong Way, Difficult Roads / Curves / Turns, Weather (Rain / Snow / Fog) Providing Community Education That Creates Responsible Road Users And Safer Communities