ACPS Acceptable Use Policy Grades K-2
A Good Technology User: Uses technology with good intentions and for educational purposes only. Does not use computers or other technology to hurt people or their work.
A Good Technology User: Respects technology as our school’s property. Does not break or hurt the computer or other technology.
A Good Technology User: Practices good citizenship using technology. Does not look at, send, or print bad or mean messages or pictures.
A Good Technology User: Respects the environment. Does not waste paper by printing too much.
A Good Technology User: Respects the rights of others. Does not go into another person’s folders, work, or files without permission.
A Good Technology User: Acts responsibly. Immediately tells an adult if his/her computer or other technology shows bad or inappropriate things.
A Good Technology User: Tells the truth. Does not copy a picture, website, music, video, words, or other work found on the internet without saying who made it.
A Good Technology User: Accepts responsibility. If you do something wrong, expect to be disciplined.
I agree to be a good technology user!