The Mystery of Godliness Christology The Mystery of Godliness
The Incarnation The Vindication Our Lord Jesus was and _____ God. (John 1:1,2) who _________ man (Philippians 2:5-8). As a man he lived among men (Matthew 1:23). Men saw Him (John 1:14) from the cradle to the grave and _________. The Vindication Every believer functions by the enablement of the Holy Spirit, so also Christ left us an example that we should follow His steps (1 Peter 2:21). He functioned in the _________ of the Holy Spirit.
The Manifestation The Proclamation He was worshipped by angels at His birth in Bethlehem. (Heb. 1:6) Angels are keenly desirous of investigating the mystery of the gospel. (1 Pet. 1:10-12 ) Christ is the victor and confounder of the fallen angels. (Eph. 3:9,10; Col. 2:13-15) The Proclamation Christ was presented to the Jews who in the main ___________ Him. (Luke 19:11-14) This actually coincided with God’s plan of redemption for whosoever will _____________ of ethnicity. Since the Bible only recognizes three groups of people, the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church, a communication of the _________ to Gentiles is critical. (Rom. 11:25 ) Even today the preponderance of the world’s population is Gentile and the preponderance of gospel ___________ is to the Gentiles.(Eph. 3:6, 7)
The Reconciliation The Glorification Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15) Faith in Christ is the ____________. (John 3:15-19) Nothing occurs in this world with reference to mankind that is of greater importance than that individuals to come to understand that Christ is the only means of eternal life, the only basis for the forgiveness of sin, and the _______ object of faith. (Acts 4:12) The Glorification The condescension of Christ (Phil. 2:5-8) became the ________ of His exaltation. (Phil. 2:9-11) Christ is now clothed in the glory which was His _________ His incarnation (John 17:5). It is the same glory with which He will be ___________ as KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS (Revelation 19:16) one day when He comes again.