Visualisation of the RBMP information in WISE WG D meeting 13-14.10.2010 Brussels Visualisation of the RBMP information in WISE Agenda 4.a Bo N Jacobsen EEA
RBDs and Sub-units (updated GIS ref. Layer) Groups of maps based on WFD Art. 13 deliveries - intended for publication end of Nov. 2010 (pending on technical difficulty and resources) RBDs and Sub-units (updated GIS ref. Layer) Surface WB – ecological and chemical status Pie charts per country and per RBD Per WB for WISE MR & ML and TCW (depending on GIS ref. Layers) Groundwater bodies – chemical and quantitative status
Ecological status summarised per country (dummy)
European overview of ecological status (dummy) European Ecological status Ecological status per RBD
Ecological status -Germany
Ecological status -Germany
Finland Ecological status Source: State of the environment 2008
Ecological status – German RBD
Ecological quality – The Netherlands Source:
Ecological status - Austria
WISE MAIN Rivers for Wesser basin (DE), populated with reported data and symbolized by “Water Body Category” in comparison with data reported by Germany