What is LEADERSHIP? According to Wikipedia: Or a simpler definition: Leadership is described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.” Or a simpler definition: Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal"
Why is it so important for ASHRAE? Organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal: ASHRAE is a group of more than 57,000 people, gathered to advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. Leadership is what drives the ASHRAE organization!
The key note of Leadership By definition, a committee cannot be one person alone, hence the importance of teamwork. Effective teamwork relies on: Motivation Communication Delegation
Motivation To motivate is to create a climate where your team will perform You can create this climate through effective communication and delegation
Communication Target the members you want to volunteer A general announcement in the newsletter or an email rarely gets folks to step up and volunteer Compile a list of people who should be volunteers Use a phone call or personal visit to explain why candidate was selected & why it is important that they serve Make sure everyone on your team understands commitment and responsibilities
Delegation In order to carry out your leadership position within CTTC, there are three important elements that must be kept in mind: Aptitude Accountability Goal
Delegation: Aptitude Make sure the volunteer CAN do the assignment Pick the right people for the right tasks Train/coach if you have to Make sure everyone understands the commitment and responsibilities
Delegation: Accountability When you task someone, make sure they know that they are in charge of finishing it “John, you have everything you need to get this done, right? Alright… you are the man! This is YOUR baby!” Create expectations based on your trust of the volunteer
Delegation: Goal Clarify expectations Provide context Think ‘big picture’ Don’t assume they know the purpose… be abundantly clear
Delegation: Goal When you ask for volunteers: be specific “Hey Bob, I’d like you to be on the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee. You’d be working with Jim, Cathy and Mike. We actually want you to be our Refrigeration chair and organize 3 events related to refrigeration this year… It could be dinner meetings, technical tours, etc.”
What NOT to do Motivation: Communication: Delegation: Nagging (we are all volunteers!) Communication: Not taking the time to explain the job requirements in detail Downplay the job requirements or time commitment involved Delegation: Not being clear about the goal that is to be achieved Micromanage (delegate the result, not the way to achieve it)