Bentley Water and Wastewater 2004 Edition
Rule-based annotation Cell placement with annotation Bulk assignment of attribute to like elements Automatic plan and profile generation Automatic service load calculations Sideviews/pipe terrain profiles Node diagrams Thematic presentation of data Ability to group features into a work order Ability to isolate valves to close List consumers out of service based on valve state Analysis of directed, weighted, linear networks Creation and editing of network entities Shortest path, radial searches, trace forward, trace-back Provides for "what-if" scenario analysis Analysis Tools Annotate automatically from database attributes Generate buffers and zones for analysis Measurement tools for distance, area, and volume Query spatial and ancillary data for selected elements Utilize Oracle Spatial data for enterprise data access Add grids and legends to mapping data Utilize powerful raster tools for image backdrops Thematic representation of attributes and graphics Supports high-resolution output to printers and plotters User-defined attributes Integrated Map Management Oracle Spatial compatibility Image Integration Data Import/Export functions Bentley Water Geospatial Asset Management for Water Systems
Architecture Asset Management application: MDL based Tied into GeoGraphics for: Feature Management Map Management Database Network Model vs. Graphical Completely customizable
Architecture Features Uses GeoGraphics model Symbolization Thematic Synchronized with MicroStation Level Management system ByLevel display Topology Database driven Some placement rules
Architecture Allows for tracing across map tiles Easy swapping out of active and reference files Loading of map tiles by point and click or seamless
Place To place any Bentley Water elements, a Node must first be placed. Nodes are distribution points for pipes. Each pipe MUST have a beginning and an end node. Pipes may have vertices between nodes. Components are attached to pipes.
Nodes Node ID can be generated Automatically or Manually All attribute data can be preset by the user or maintained within a database Attach: attaches a node to a pipe without creating 2 new pipes Insert: inserts a node on a pipe and creates 2 new pipes
Pipes Pipe elevations are calculated from nodes All attribute data can be preset by the user or maintained within a database Pipes may be placed parallel to an existing object or interactively
Components Component ID can be generated Automatically or Manually All attribute data can be preset by the user or maintained within a database Components may be placed on a pipe or off-set from the pipe
Edit Edit allows the user to update existing Bentley Water elements A complete suite of editing tools provided to ensure network connectivity and feature integrity are maintained Pipe ends may be moved to other nodes. Once moved, all pipe data will recalculate
Recent Features Place Hydrant Service Places a dead-end hydrant service branch off of a main in one fluid action Isolation Trace Reporting Creates a report in HTML of all Pipes, Nodes, Valves, Consumers and Hydrants found during a pipe isolation trace
Import and Export Exports Bentley Water elements as an ASCII file
Diagram Sideview of pipe network shows Z-dimension Node diagram shows the topview of a selected node and the relative angle of any pipes attached to the node
Theme ID-Box: Generates a box around all node names in a fence, or generate a reference line from the text to the node Node: Generates theme graphics based on various pieces of node information Pipe: Generates theme graphics based on various pieces of pipe information Component: Generates theme graphics based on various pieces of component information Connection: Analyzes the current connectivity status of the network, showing how the water flows from a selected node through the pipes Isolate: Finds the nearest valves that will close a water supply before making repairs Station: Draws stationing lines perpendicular to the pipe at a specified interval
Workorder Work orders provide a way to gather and organize facilities added or modified in response to a particular request.
Rule-based annotation Cell placement with annotation Bulk assignment of attribute to like elements Automatic plan and profile generation Automatic service load calculations Sideviews/pipe terrain profiles Node diagrams Thematic presentation of data Ability to group features into a work order Ability to isolate valves to close List consumers out of service based on valve state Analysis of directed, weighted, linear networks Creation and editing of network entities Shortest path, radial searches, trace forward, trace-back Annotate automatically from database attributes Generate buffers and zones for analysis Measurement tools for distance, area, and volume Query spatial and ancillary data for selected elements Utilize Oracle Spatial data for enterprise data access Add grids and legends to mapping data Utilize powerful raster tools for image backdrops Thematic representation of attributes and graphics Supports high-resolution output to printers and plotters User-defined attributes Integrated Map Management Oracle Spatial compatibility Image Integration Data Import/Export functions Bentley Wastewater Geospatial Asset Management for Sewer Systems
Where does Bentley WasteWater differ from Bentley Water Flow vs. pressure Data Model Thematic tools Diagram tools Place, Edit and Update Import and Export Workorder Supplementary data Setup These function the same as Bentley Water
Bentley Wastewater In addition Wastewater has: Catchment Area definition and analysis CCTV and Observation maintenance tools Node diagrams have both a top-view and a side-view Sideview diagrams also consider: Stowage Elevation – depth of water in a node under normal conditions Critical Elevation – depth of water in a node during flood stage prior to a backup
Theme (WasteWater) Node Info: Makes it possible to create texts with different sizes and even different types of information on several levels by turning the proper levels on and off you can then switch between the different node texts Node Annotation Box: Generates a box around specified node text Flow Direction: Displays the direction of the flow by drawing arrows on the pipes Pipe Elevation: Generates elevation text at the start and end of a pipe Show Obs: Generates theme graphics displaying various types of observations Show Physical Index: Highlights different Physical Index intervals; A pipes Physical Index (PI) is calculated as: PI = sum(Xi*l) / L Show Critical Elevation: Highlights where the stowage is above the critical elevation Show Flow: Creates a thematic presentation that shows how pipes are connected and how water flows. A node may be selected and all pipes that lead to and from the node (upstream and downstream) may be displayed.
Bentley Water and Wastewater 2004 Edition