If I keep a plant from getting energy from sunlight, it will die. Is this a hypothesis? If I keep a plant from getting energy from sunlight, it will die.
What is the difference between hypothesis and prediction?
Is worded in such a way as to show a relationship. Hypothesis implies a question to be answered.
KEY CONCEPT Science is a way of thinking, questioning, and gathering evidence.
Like all science, biology is a process of inquiry. Scientists make careful and systematic observations. Scientists record observations as data. Scientists form a hypothesis as a possible answer to a question. Scientists test their hypotheses and analyze their data.
Biologists use experiments to test hypotheses. Observational studies allow scientists to describe a phenomenon.
Experimentals allow scientists to determine what causes a phenomenon.
Experimental studies allow scientists to determine what causes a phenomenon. Independent variables are manipulated. Dependent variables are observed and measured. Constants are conditions that are kept the same.
A theory explains a wide range of observations. Theories explain a wide range of observations and experimental results. A theory is supported by a wide range of scientific evidence. Theories can change based on new evidence.
Skepticism: use of logical and critical thinking to evaluate results and conclusions. Scientist describe a hypothesis in terms of its validity not truth. Validity implies that the proposition is well-grounded or supported. On the other hand, truth implies being real or genuine. In science “significant” does not means that is importance, rather it means “not likely due to chance”. In other words, the independent variable has a noticeable effect on the dependent one. “Hypothesis are not proved, only tested and the data support or not the hypothesis, being this accepted or rejected.” In order to support a hypothesis, it can be subject to experimental results, data and peer review.