The Criminal Justice Statistics in Portugal


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Presentation transcript:

The Criminal Justice Statistics in Portugal History Coverage Hermes Project Sources Collection methods Information collected

History 1936 – First edition of “Justice Statistics” 1983 - National Statistics Institute empowered the GEP/GPLP to collect, treat and release statistical data within the sphere of the justice statistics

Coverage 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Sources Aim to cover all police forces - 1993: 4 types - 2005: 10 types (of 11) Aim to cover Prosecution 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Collection methods -Paper forms -Web forms -Direct transfer of files (Criminal Police) 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Collection methods Recording rules and definitions of crimes are in writing (Manual) Data are collected after the offence is recorded, but before police completes investigation (end of the month in witch offences are recorded) Cases (not offences) are counted Principal offence rule 1998: New collection method – elimination of double counting 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

Information collected Coverage Information collected By type of crime: Cases reported Offenders and victims involved: Legal persons (since 2005) Gender Age brackets -(+ arrested) Value of crime Weapons used 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Sources All prosecution services 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

Collection methods and information collected Coverage Collection methods and information collected -Paper forms (cases flow, by categories of crime) -Direct transfer of files (2006) 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Sources All courts 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Collection methods Paper forms (2 types): Cases flow Detailed data on each completed case (principal offence rule) Direct transfer of files (2006) 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

Information collected Coverage Information collected Case: Type, dates, number, court... Defendant: Gender, birth date, marital status, residence, national/non-national, criminal background, work, type of crime in prosecution stage/conviction, court decision, length of prison sentence…. Victim: Legal person/ Gender, birth date… 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Sources All prison services (through Prison Services Directorate) 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

2. Prosecution statistics Coverage Collection methods Output tables filled in by Prison Services Directorate Direct transfer of files (2006) 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

Information collected Coverage Information collected Prison population flow Convicted prison population Pre-trial detainees Some detail data: Gender, education level, age brackets, nationality, type of crime… 1. Police statistics 2. Prosecution statistics 3. Court statistics 4. Prison statistics

Hermes Project alter the collecting method better analysis of the recorded figures make available on line the statistical data Data on recorded crimes by prosecution Integrated criminal statistical system – Data from all services related by unique file number More accurate and detailed data at each phase Integration with social and economic indicators Time series on recorded crimes (since 1993) and convictions (1991) available on line