Evaluating your Projects: Outputs and Outcomes JDVRTAC Learning Collaborative Meeting Bethesda, MD August 14, 2018 Allison B. Taylor Allison.taylor@umb.edu
Outputs and Outcomes Outputs: changes in agency policy, practice, or operations that support increased agency capacity or ability to pursue a job-driven/business responsive approach Intermediate Outcomes: increase or changes in each of the four “job driven” areas - Business Engagement, Employer Services, Customized Training, and Labor Market Information (LMI) Client Outcomes: employment or other outcomes achieved by individuals with disabilities that are associated with an agency’s JDVRTAC initiative.
Outputs Measures of increased agency capacity or ability to pursue a job- driven/business responsive approach What are the most common outputs from your JDVRTAC Initiatives? Developed, Implemented, or Expanded BE Unit Created new BE Partnerships (e.g., Other State agencies) Trained internal and external staff – BE, LMI, data systems Piloted or Implemented New Counseling or BE Practices Developed new curricula, marketing materials, or multimedia products Developed or Implemented new BE or LMI Data system Hired staff or redefined existing positions
Intermediate Outcomes Increases or changes in each of the four “job-driven” areas: Business Engagement, Employer Services, Customized Training, and Labor Market Information What outcomes have resulted from your JDVRTAC initiatives?: Increased staff knowledge of LMI Increased use of LMI in counseling Increased number of Businesses Contacted Increased number of Employer Services offered and provided
Client Outcomes Consumer employment or other outcomes achieved by individuals with disabilities that are associated with your JDVRTAC initiative. (Most projects are not yet able to document many client outcomes.) Examples (most projects are not yet able to document many client outcomes): # clients enrolled in or completed new customized training program # clients employed at newly engaged businesses
Outputs and Outcomes: Example Created new BE structure Defined roles for all staff engaged in business relations. Developed new training program for LMI and business engagement. Trained 85 VR staff in use of LMI and business engagement. Developed and implemented a new tracking system for new business relationships INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES Increased VR staff knowledge of LMI and business engagement Data Source: pre-post testing Contacted 180 new businesses statewide and provided services to these businesses Data Source: business relations tracking system CLIENT OUTCOMES 38 customers placed with employers involved in business engagement activities and recorded in new tracking database 13 successful case closures with these newly engaged businesses Data Sources: business relations tracking system and CMS