Holes Author Louis Sachar Publisher Yearling Copyright 2000
A flashback happens when the author stops telling the story to talk about events that happened earlier. A flashback may provide background information that helps the reader understand the story and its characters.
One flashback that occurs throughout the book is the story of Stanley’s great-great-grandfather Eyla Yelnats and the curse that Madame Zeroni placed on him and his descendants. This flashback is very important because without it, the story of Stanley and Zero would not make sense.
Elya Yelnats, Stanley’s relative, was cursed because he broke his promise to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain and sing the song she had taught him. However, the curse is broken when Stanley carries Zero, whose real name is Hector Zeroni, up the mountain at Green Lake.
Another flashback happens in Chapter 23 Another flashback happens in Chapter 23. The author tells about the history of Green Lake, which is a dried, dusty lake bed when Stanley first arrives at Green Lake Camp. This flashback is important because the reader is introduced to the characters of Miss Katherine Barlow, Trout Walker, and Onion Sam.
Another flashback occurs in Chapter 25 Another flashback occurs in Chapter 25. Readers learn about how Onion Sam and Miss Katherine fall in love, and she gives him peaches.
At that time period, their love was against the law At that time period, their love was against the law. The townspeople burned the school. Sam was killed, and Miss Katherine became an outlaw called Kissin’ Kate Barlow. This is also when Green Lake dried up for lack of rain.
The flashbacks help bring the story of Stanley Yelnats and Hector Zeroni full circle. Stanley breaks the family curse when he carries Hector up the mountain. Trout Walker is named as the man who killed Onion John and transformed Miss Katherine into an outlaw named Kissin’ Kate Barlow. In the end the good guys win, and the bad guys lose. And rain finally comes to fill Green Lake once again.