Draft note on Joint Action Plans ESF TWG Rome 16/10/2014
General remarks - aims to provide guidance to MS on the preparation and implementation of JAPs - a preliminary version of the document pending consultations with Member States and other Commission services - based on guidance part of Fiche 15 on the JAP model - intended to be used jointly with general SCO guidance - depends on final version of the JAP model (currently discussed in COESIF)
Structure (1) Introduction (2) Basic characteristics of JAPs (3) Intervention logic (4) Financial management, control, and audit (5) Approval, steering and amendment
Next steps - Document to also be discussed at the EGESIF - Revision of document based on comments received from Member States and consultations with other Commission services - Finalization after adoption of the implementing regulation, containing the JAP model
Thank you for your attention! EMPL-E1-UNIT@ec.europa.eu