Human Reproduction
Fallopian tube “ovulation” ovary
“I’m waiting…”
Y Looks like we have a winner!
Cell Division
Identical Twins
Fraternal Twins
3 weeks The nervous system starts to develop
The top part “zips up” to form the brain The bottom will become the spinal cord
Head The embryo already has a beating heart... 4 weeks
“What is this?” …a face only a mother could love! eyes 5 weeks
“Here’s lookin’ at you kid!” 6 weeks
By the 12th week (3rd month), the eyes have closed. They will stay shut for another 3 months.
Fingers and toes begin to form 5 weeks
Week 11 Fingers form on a hand that’s the size of a teardrop
Sonogram at 5 weeks
Week 6
1/2 inch long Week 7
Week 7
The baby is the size of a walnut. Week 8
Week 12 (3 months)
Week 16 (4 months)
Week 22 5 1/2 months Mothers are now beginning to look pregnant ?
cervix Ouch!
Week 40 9 months
The End