Adding Integers with Tiles Student Expectations: 7 th Grade: 7.1.2C Use models, such as concrete objects, pictorial models, and number lines, to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers and connect the actions to algorithms.
ADDING INTEGERS We can model integer addition with tiles. Represent -2 with the fewest number of tiles Represent +5 with the fewest number of tiles. The University of Texas at Dallas
ADDING INTEGERS What number is represented by combining the 2 groups of tiles? Write the number sentence that is illustrated = = + 3 The University of Texas at Dallas +3+3
ADDING INTEGERS Use your red and yellow tiles to find each sum = ? = ? The University of Texas at Dallas ANSWER + = = - 5
ADDING INTEGERS The University of Texas at Dallas = ? + = = = ? ANSWER = = + 1