All students in Year 5 and 6 (with parent support) are entitled to an iPad The iPad is paid for by St.Chad’s CE Primary. The iPad belongs to the school and must be returned in good condition in 2 years. Students, with parent support, will be able to take their iPad home each evening. Parents (and students) will need to agree to our Acceptable Use Policy and follow it.
WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? iPads make learning more interesting. Teachers and students tell us this (the research results into similar projects is very positive). When learning is interesting, students try harder. Students need to learn to use IT responsibly and safely. Students need to practice using IT in a work environment and we can help with this. At the moment, some students (and families) have access to computers at home, some don’t. This disadvantages some students. Therefore, this will level the playing field for all students. The iPad is a web browser, a camera, there are thousands of educational apps, and there are thousands of free books and resources on iTunesU and iBooks.
Where we are Last year all students in Year 5 were given an iPad and they have continued to use this in year 6 We have an additional 30 iPads for use in other classes throughout school. Teacher expertise has improved All classrooms are set up to use iPads in them (Reflector) Clear systems in place to protect and monitor use and keep our students safe
KEY QUESTIONS: WHAT WILL IT COST? Currently we are aiming to provide the iPads to our students at no cost to parents Cases will also be provided but if parents/students want to purchase their own case then this will need to meet the standards outlined in the acceptable use policy
KEY QUESTIONS: WHAT ABOUT LOSS, BREAKAGE AND THEFT? The iPads are insured. There is a no excess to pay on the insurance for breakages in the first case (£50 per instance after) The majority of repairs are for cracked screens. The majority of repairs can be avoided with reasonable care and a suitable case. 4. iPads are insured whilst they remain in the case and the policy outlines insurance protocols
KEY QUESTIONS: is setting it up easy? In short… yes. Turn the iPad on and follow the instructions that appear on screen. You’ll add it to your wifi Pupils will have to enter their St. Chad’s computer username and password, this will have been given to them in lessons. Everything else, should happen automatically.
THEFT Theft of iPads is very low because of built in security: • Pincodes: you cannot use someone else’s iPad without their pincode. There is no way around this. • Remote locking: we can lock all our iPads remotely. They cannot be used and they cannot be re-activated by anyone other than us. • ‘Find My iPad’ enables students to track their iPad and our MDM solution gives us the ability as well. All iPads will be controlled through our mobile device management system
RESPONSIBLE USE in school Students (and parents) must follow our Acceptable Use Policy. The Acceptable Use Policy covers all aspects of use, at home and in school. 3. In school, students can only access the school internet: it is filtered. Students cannot use sites or apps not school approved as the iPads are on school profiles – this ensures students are safe in their use at home and at school 4. Students know that iPad documents, apps and files are not ‘private’. Online safety is a significant part of our computing curriculum. All teachers receive regular online safety training.
RESPONSIBLE USE AT HOME: RESPONSIBLE USE AT HOME: Parents are in charge: you set the rules. Our advice is: 1. iPads can be connected to home broadband. The school rules apply to home use and school filtering is enforced on each device. 2. iPads should be switched off and charged each evening. Have a designated place downstairs. iPads should not be used in children’s bedrooms.
RESPONSIBLE USE AT HOME: 3. Set a ‘switch off’ time e.g. 7.00pm or limit use. Some parents use a ‘timer’ to support this. 4. ‘One thing at a time’. Switch off the iPad when children are doing other activities e.g. watching the TV, homework that doesn’t need an iPad etc 5. iPads should be used in a ‘family’ room.
OTHER QUESTIONS iPads are part of everyday school life and are an important part of what we do. However, they are not all consuming or overused. We value (and continue to teach) handwriting, spelling, correct punctuation and grammar. Students continue to participate in numerous activities that do not use iPads: discussion, problem solving, practical work in science, art, drama, technology, measuring, writing, dance, group work. Use of iPads during break times is not permitted: these times are for talking, chatting, laughing, eating, running around, football etc iPad use in OOHA club is limited and regulated iPads are expected to be brought into school EVERY day fully charged and with the relevant apps
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