It is very different from standard of living Quality of Life It is very different from standard of living
Standard of Living The level of material well-being enjoyed by a person or group of people
Quality of Life The degree of well being felt by a person or a group of people Includes: standard of living, environment, social satisfaction, politics, culture, human rights, and entertainment Defined in terms of needs and wants Needs: basic for survival, includes food, water and shelter Wants: drive people to secure improvement in their lives once basic needs are met; includes entertainment Education: need or want?
Darker green (higher QofL index) to yellow (lower QofL index) to red (very low quality of life index) [grey – no data]
“Sins” Original “deadly sins” Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Anger Greed Sloth
Modern day “sins” Environmental pollution Genetic manipulation Accumulating excessive wealth Inflicting poverty Drug trafficking and consumption Morally debatable experiments Violation of fundamental rights of human nature
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