By All Your Saints Still Striving


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Presentation transcript:

By All Your Saints Still Striving A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #552q By All Your Saints Still Striving St. James of Jerusalem Text: Horatio B. Nelson, 1823-1913 (st. 1-4, 6-27) Harlyn J. Kuschel, b. 1945 (st. 5) KUORTANE Tune: Finnish folk tune, c. 19th cent. PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

#552q - By All Your Saints Still Striving [1] By *** **** ****** ***** striving For *** **** ****** ** rest, Your **** ****, * Jesus, Forevermore ** blessed. You ****, *** **** victorious, That **** ***** **** *** crown And **** ***** ** splendor Reflected **** **** throne.

#552q - By All Your Saints Still Striving [2] Praise *** *** ****'* *** brother, James ** Jerusalem, He *** *** ***** Savior And ****** *** ***** ** him. Presiding ** *** council That *** *** ******** free, He ******** **** ** kindred On ***** ***** ** be.

#552q - By All Your Saints Still Striving [3] Then *** ** ****** *** Father And ******* *** *** Son And **** ** *** *** Spirit, Eternal ***** ** One, Till *** *** ******** number Who ***** ****** *** throne Ascribe *** ***'* *** glory And ****** ** *** alone.

A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © Church Pension Fund (st. 1-4, 6-27) © 1993 Harlyn J. Kuschel (st. 5) Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler