Working with Other Agencies Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G., Wilkinson, B., (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resource CD Rom, De Montfort University
Working with Other Agencies Roles of different agencies Information sharing Safeguarding Children Mental Health MAPPA Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Public and Private Sectors What defines the public sector? How is it financed and controlled? Some examples of public sector agencies? What might the strengths & limitations be? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Private Sector How is it defined? What sorts of organisations does it encompass? Give some examples of ‘for profit’ organisations involved in criminal justice What is the Third Sector? Give some examples of ‘not for profit’ organisations involved in criminal justice. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Why do we need to Bother? Yes, why do we need to bother? What do we need to know? How do we do business with organisations that are so different? How can we improve communication? Give 3 practical ways in which you could improve your communication with staff from other agencies. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Troubleshooting If a problem arises, how might it be spotted early? What ways are the most constructive in dealing with such problems? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Personal Plan (because one can always be even better!) Make a note for yourself of 3 actions you would like to take to improve the way in which you work with staff from other agencies. Make the actions SMART Decide how you are going to check your own progress. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Information Sharing There is no public protection without information sharing Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Information Sharing is Imparting and receiving information about an offender pertinemt to risk assessment/management and victim safety Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
How is it done? Mostly by standard processes e.g. ViSOR, MAPPA, Annex F, OASys But they still depend on good quality input Beware a stale approach, forgetting about new or different information Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
In addition Information sharing can take place outside standard procedures because of of information which is new, significant and urgent e.g. it could impact child & victim protection Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Universal Responsibilities Everyone has the responsibility to take notice of difference To consider whether it might be significant To share information with appropriate others if it might be significant Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Key Questions for Deciding Significance Is it related to pattern of offending? Could a child or victim be at risk? Could it signify a change in mental health? Does it suggest manipulation by threats? Does it suggest an increased intent to offend? Is there an unusual behaviour change? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Don’t Forget The value of ViSOR The importance of safeguards which protect practitioners as well as the public Information sharing principles Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Safeguarding Children Even if child protection isn’t your job, it is your business; its everybody’s business Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
‘Everybody who works or has contact with children…should be able to recognise, and know how to act upon, evidence that a child’s health, or development is or may be suffering, significant harm.’ (Working Together to Safeguard Children) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Never Ignore your Worries Talk to your line manager Know what your local policy says and follow it Record your concerns and evidence Remember ‘All tragedy is a failure of communication’ Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
But is it as straightforward as that? A responsibility for child protection, even in a criminal justice context is worrying. Can you identify your general concerns about this area of work & what more you need to know you? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Working Together to Safeguard Children It’s the statutory guidance, latest version issued 2010 Its coverage includes; agency responsibilities including prisons & probation, safeguarding structures & processes. ‘All agencies have a common responsibility to safeguard’ All relevant documents at Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Practice Guidance ‘What to do if you are worried that a child is being abused’ Contains detailed definitions of types of abuse and neglect Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Principles of Safeguarding Children Child Centred. ‘Some of the worst failures of the system have occurred when professionals have lost sight of the child and concentrated instead on their relationship with the adults.’ Rooted in child development. Focused on outcomes for children. Holistic in approach. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Principles contd Ensuring equality of opportunity Involving of children and families Building on strengths as well as identifying difficulties Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Principles contd Multi-agency in approach ‘Multi and inter-agency work to safeguard and promote children’s welfare starts as soon as there are concerns about a child’s welfare, not when there are questions about possible harm.’ Is this true in your experience? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Principles contd A continuing process not an event Providing and reviewing services Informed by evidence ‘Effective practice with children and families requires sound professional judgements which are underpinned by a rigorous evidence base, and draw on the practitioner’s knowledge and experience.’ Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Does this comment have parallels for us? ‘Effective practice with children and families requires sound professional judgements which are underpinned by a rigorous evidence base, and draw on the practitioner’s knowledge and experience.’ Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Statutory Guidance on Referrals By phone – clarify nature of concerns, be clear about proposed action & timescales & who will do what Follow up – you must confirm referral in writing within 48 hours It must be acknowledged within one working day Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
After Referral, 4 Key Processes Assessment Planning Intervention Review (Note the similarities to risk management – is that to be expected?) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Mental Health Subject susceptible to: Misconceptions Stigmatising assumptions Ignorance & fear Feelings of helplessness Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
What do Think? Do common public views of mental health create problems? Do we lump all mental health problems together and assume the worst? Or are we a knowledgeable and understanding society? Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Mental Health Legislation Mental Health Act 2007 sits beside & amends the 1983 Mental Health Act which is still the main legislation governing care & treatment. The 2007 Act “ is more inclusive of all mental disorders…the Act establishes the principle that personality disorder, as a mental disorder, is now a mainstream condition requiring equal and appropriate consideration for assessment and treatment" [Bradley Review 2009] Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Do you need to know any more about the law? Yes if You write PSRs You write reports on offenders detained under its requirements or subject to a Mental Health Treatment requirement You are working with, in either setting, an offender subject to its requirements Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Personality Disorders What is a personality disorder? Everyone has a personality. We are all different. Some people are very anxious, some very calm. Some are completely unreliable, others steady as a rock. Some become easily angry in comparison with those whose calm seems unshakeable. The variations are endless. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Royal College of Psychiatrists There are, however, some people whose behaviour is carried to such extremes that they are regarded as falling outside the spectrum of behaviour that we naturally accept. It is these people who are usually described as having a personality disorder. Royal College of Psychiatrists Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Working with Personality Disordered Offenders (PD) 10 recognised types of PD usually put in 3 clusters cluster A: ‘odd or eccentric’ (paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal) cluster B: ‘dramatic emotional or erratic’ (histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline) cluster C: ‘anxious and fearful’ (obsessive-compulsive, avoidant and dependent) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Anti-Social Personality Disorder Part of cluster B & used to be known as psychopathic. Characterised by Difficulty in keeping job/relationship Impulsive & reckless, easily bored Heavy drinking/drug use Adult criminal record Doesn’t consider consequences Not caring for the well-being of others, or feeling remorse. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
National Personality Disorder Programme Phase 1 began with severe personality disorder programme Phase 2, thru Offender Personality Disorder Strategy is focusing on promoting a shared responsibility approach, better informed identification & intervention & an extensive training programme under the ‘Knowledge & Understanding Framework’ (KUF) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Working with PD Offenders A Practitioners Guide Designed to provide learning on How to spot PD & understand how it develops Treatment pathways Community Management Staff well-being Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Services available to offenders (&, in most cases, to the general population) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Hospital Care Psychiatric hospitals/units Voluntary – compulsory Outpatient/day hospitals Regional secure units Special hospitals Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Community Mental Health Teams Multi-disciplinary Social workers, community mental health nurses Psychologists, psychiatrists Occupational therapists Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Care Programme Approach Targeted at those with complex characteristics Written down & subject to review Care co-ordinator Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Aim is to identify those offenders with a specific conviction for, (or current behaviour which could lead to), risk of serious harm to another and to manage them in ways proportionate and relevant to their currently assessed risk, with the object of reducing that risk and increasing the protection to known and potential victims. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Why Work Together? Lessens unfounded assumptions & cutting across work of others Better single & joint focus Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Which Offenders? Three categories Category One - Registered sex offenders Category Two - violent and other sex offenders Category Three - other offenders assessed as likely to pose a risk of serious harm to the public. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
3 Levels of Management Level determined by complexity of case. Level one – low, possibly medium risk. normal single agency management, with usual inter-agency liaison. Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
MAPPA Meetings, level 2 or 3? Depends on Magnitude of risk Complexity of case Resource allocation required "What is the lowest level that a case can be managed which provides a defensible Risk Management Plan?“ (MAPPA Guidance) Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
Which Agencies are Involved? Police, probation, prison = Responsible Authority Duty to Co-operate agencies include:- Local Govt, YOTS, NHS Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University
How Is It Managed? Strategic Management Board MAPPA co-ordinator or manager Other Features Lay Advisors Annual report published Kemshall, H., Mackenzie, G. & Wilkinson, B. (2011) Risk of Harm Guidance and Training Resources CD ROM. De Montfort University