Research Orientation – Hiring research personnel (TRAC RA and CARE) Employee and Labour Relations, Human Resources Gabriel Prévost, CIRC Me JoséEve McCarthy Employee & Labour Relations Advisors, Human Resources
Research Orientation Employee and Labour Relations, Human Resources TRAC - RA CARE Name Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia – Research Assistants Concordia Association of Research Employees – Research Associates, Assistants, Professionals and Technicians Position Titles -Student Research Assistant -Research Associate -Research Assistant -Support Professional -Support Technical Definitions: TRAC – RA
Research Orientation Employee and Labour Relations, Human Resources TRAC - RA CARE Definitions Student RA employed by CU Research Assistant (non-student), Research Associates, Professionals and Techs. employed by CU, paid from research funds, not covered by another bargaining unit. First collective agreement being negotiated. HR Form Employment Contract for Student RA (TRAC) 2018-2019 Notice of Hire, (Non-student) Research grant employee. Definitions: TRAC – RA
Personnel file While we acknowledge the time investment, the collection of information is essential to build the personnel file. Hiring will only be processed upon completion / gathering of the necessary information on the notice of hire.
Personnel file Principal investigators, or their delegate, will be responsible to ensure that the following information / documentation is made available to Human Resources: Notice of hire duly completed; Copy of work permit and permanent resident visa (If applicable). Principal investigators, or their delegate, will be responsible to ensure that the following information / documentation is made available to their Faculty (In accordance with Faculty procedure): Copy of employee’s résumé; Copy of relevant diplomas and certifications; Membership form (TRAC-RA only).
Notice of Hire The notice of hire is essential to the processing of your new employee through human resources and payroll. It contains critical information, such as: Employee’s bio data; Social Insurance number; Employee’s category (as per upcoming negotiated definitions); Employee’s contact info.
Research Orientation Employment Contract for Student Research Assistant
Research Orientation Notice of Hire Research Grant Employee
Professional References
Code of ethics and safe disclosure policy BD-4 An immediate relative shall not be hired to work in the same department nor report to the same supervisor as a current employee unless: specific provisions of a collective agreement apply. In such cases, the acknowledgement provided for below shall be completed and placed in the employee’s personnel file; or the immediate relative is a student and the employment is for a period of less than six (6) months; or it is specifically authorized, in writing, by the Associate Vice-President, Human Resources following consultation with the relevant officials. The authorization shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file, and shall include an acknowledgement by the immediate relative and the current employee of the potential conflict of interest.
Research Orientation Need help or information on… Subject Contact How to complete a notice of hire, change or termination form? Benefits, RRSPs, Tuition. Pension Payroll Staff ID Cards Drop by S-FB-1130; for Non-Student Grant Contracts (non-TRAC) >=1yr. All other researchers a letter from the supervisor is required to authorize the card. Labour Relations, CARE Labour Relations, TRAC-RA
Research Orientation Forms… Link Notice of Hire / Notice of Change / Notice of termination Reference authorization consent TRAC-RA Collective Agreement Direct Deposit Form Salary and Benefit Rates Table