What was so special about Jesus’ birth? C1 Christianity 09/12/2018 What was so special about Jesus’ birth? Starter Task Watch the clip of Jesus’ birth. What are the key parts of the story: STRETCH – do they differ at all? If so, why? Or hyperlinked to the text LO: to understand what Christians believe about the incarnation and Jesus as the Son of God READY FOR MORE Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story PRACTISE Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story NOT SURE Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth
So, what do you remember about the birth story of Jesus So, what do you remember about the birth story of Jesus? Anything special about it? 09/12/2018
The Incarnation This is the idea that God became human as Jesus (second part of the Trinity). Carne means flesh e.g. Chilli con Carne; Carnival (farewell to meat), carnal/ carnage. John’s Gospel mentions ‘The Word became flesh’ (John 1:14). This means God becoming Jesus. This was so God could be the Christ (special leader to save others). Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth 09/12/2018
Incarnation Key terms Copy down one of the definitions below: God becoming flesh and taking a human form as Jesus God becoming a human form as Jesus God in human form as Jesus Incarnation Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth
FOCUS TASK Read the birth story of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-2:12. Highlight the key figures/ characters in the birth story. Highlight passages that show Jesus was no ordinary baby. Highlight any passages that show references to the TRINITY (God and the Holy Spirit). AQA Christianity p.16-17 for teacher reference Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth 09/12/2018
FOCUS TASK Now complete the diagram about Jesus’ birth. Complete all the sections using your Bible/ Matthew’s account. You will need this to learn the key points of Jesus’ birth. AQA Christianity p.16-17 for teacher reference Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth 09/12/2018
The Nicene Creed Highlight and label your Nicene Creed: ‘he came down from Heaven’ ‘was incarnate’ ‘the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary’ Grade 8-9: analyse the importance of the incarnation for Christians Grade 6-7: explain the incarnation and examples of this from Jesus’ birth story Grade 4-5: describe what was special about Jesus’ birth story Grade 2-3: identify what happened at Jesus’ birth
Final FIVE – The Incarnation See if you can GUESS the Final FIVE Facts on the Incarnation today… M Mary was made pregnant by the Holy Spirit Joseph takes Mary as his wife Jesus is the Messiah/Christ (Matthew 1:18) Jesus will save people from their sins Magi – three wise men