English 10 – Period 7 – Fri, Dec. 1 Should be completed: StoryCorps interview - written or saved to device Strong progress on Beowulf & Everyday Hero T-Chart IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – Did you Remind text? Check the agenda? PICK UP: novel and handouts
Today’s Activities Next Class - MUG Shots Grammar Activity - Sentence #8B Citations/Works Cited Overview – Librarians CNN 2017 Everyday Hero – Essay Prewrite – T-Chart and Outline USE SAME 3 HERO TRAITS for both Beowulf and your Everyday Hero ONE PIECE OF PROOF + ONE SUPPORTING QUOTE - each trait for each hero (with in-text citation) – they should not match exactly! Completed chart DUE Tues, 12/5/17 / IF FINISHED – CHECK with Ms. K OUTLINE – begin once T-Chart approved The Great Thanksgiving Listen –due Tues, 12/5 Share interview (see directions) / finish Planning Sheet / Reflection essay
Downloading/Saving StoryCorps Interview from StoryCorps Archive Access the StoryCorps Archive website: https://archive.storycorps.org/login/ Click on the circle w/person outline in the top right hand corner Select “View Profile” from the drop down menu Click on your interview Click on the share icon at the end of the gray horizontal bar; choose “Download” Click “Show in folder” Rename the file StoryCorps Interview this way: Last Name Period # Ex: StoryCorps Interview – Kulakowski - Period 4 Save this file to a folder in your LCPS Google Drive Add this file to the assignment folder on Google Classroom
Example - In-Text Citations Novel (Author Last Name #) Online Article If there is an author - (Last Name of Author) IF there is no author - (“Title of Article”)
Example - Works Cited Citations Novel Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. Online Article Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Website, Original Publisher, Year Electronically Published, URL of Website. Date of Access.
HW for Tues, 12/5 NO HW, but CONSIDER: T-Chart for Beo/Everyday Hero essay due at end of class Tues, 12/5 Interview & Interview Reflection due Tues, 12/5 No Red Ink Begin Practice units
Common Lit Article – War and Peace Prewrite Activities (graded): Paper Copy: Annotate with highlight/underline of relevant text AND notes to indicate how connect to the question – detailed! For question: Written notes to answer your question / include both a PERSONAL connection and REAL-WORLD connection example (explain)! Typed Response – LCPS Google Drive: Review examples on Notes – “Incorporating Quotations” COMPLETE MLA formatted, typed response IN LCPS GOOGLE DRIVE MUST INCLUDE properly quoted material with in text citation in your response (see ex.) MUST INCLUDE Works Cited citation for article at bottom of response (see ex.) SUBMIT in Google Classroom assignment folder
MUG Shots Directions ONE SUBJECT NOTEBOOK for MUG SHOTS/grammar – leave in class if needed INCLUDE date and number of MUG Shot COPY IN PEN; make corrections in PENCIL ANNOTATE sentence with notes to enhance understanding of grammar rules SKIP a line or two between sentences (no more)
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper (or online) Name, date, period at top (if handwritten) Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is one paragraph+ or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors