Warm Up Discussion Questions: Act 2 Nora contemplates suicide in Act 2. Do you think that killing herself is a logical answer and would end all of her problems? Does this decision make her a selfless or selfish character? Explain. After telling Mrs. Linde about Krogstad, Mrs. Linde says of Torvald discovering her secrets, “Believe me, Nora, it is best for both of you.” Why do you think Mrs. Linde feels this way? Is she right? Explain. Nora tells Dr. Rank, “You see, there are some people that one loves and other people that one would almost prefer being with” (85). Explain what you think she means here. Is she right? Is Nora naïve about her relationship with Rank, or is she intentionally leading him on? Krogstad tells Nora after she threatens suicide, “Are you forgetting that I’ll be in control then over your final reputation?” (88). What do you think he means here? What does this reveal about his character? Is he sympathetic in any way? Helmer calls Nora childish a couple of times in Act 2. Do her actions fit this description of her? Explain.