Metabolism Living cells use nutrients in many chemical reactions that provide energy for vital processes and activities
Metabolisms function Homeostasis: a healthy and relatively constant internal environment Body regulates to avoid dangerous lacks or excesses
Chemical Balance Body needs the right balance of nutrients and other substances dissolved in the blood and cells Oxygen Temperature Removal of waste products
Energy for Metabolism During metabolism, energy is both used and produced
Food Sources of Energy Carbohydrates Fats Protein
Metabolic Rate How fast the chemical process of metabolism takes place
Body temperature Changes in body temperature Shiver=increased body heat=relatively constant metabolic rate Metabolic processes release energy, in hot climates the metabolic rate slows to help cool the body
Body Size Metabolic rate matches body size
Physical Development and Age Cells function rapidly in young individuals in order to build the new material needed for development
Body Composition Lean tissue takes more calories to maintain than other types
Energy Supply Low energy = slower metabolism
Basal Metabolism Energy used by a body at rest to maintain automatic, life-supporting processes
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) A measure of heat given off per time unit, usually as Kcalories per hour
Voluntary Activities Conscious and deliberate actions
Weight-Loss Diets Very low-kcalorie “crash” diets are not the best way to lose weight
Physical Exercise Exercise increased metabolism Toned muscles burn more calories
Metabolic Rate Calculate your Metabolic Rate Men: 66+(6.23 X wt in pounds) + (12.7 X ht in inches) – (6.76 X age in years) Women: 655 + (4.35 X wt in pounds) + (4.7 X ht in inches) – (4.7 X age in years)