Demokratia kratos demos of the (sovereign (adult male citizens/ power) common people/ democracy as constitution/ supporters of democracy/ people at assembly/ kinship or geographical group) of the
Ekklesia (assembly) Meets at Pnyx hill in Athens Theoretically all male citizens over 18 Chaired by epistates, leader of prutaneis/ prytany Agenda from boule
Boule (council of 500) 500 citizens over 30, serving for a year Sits in bouleterion in agora 50 men from each of 10 “tribes,” chosen by lot Each tribe’s 50 men serve on prutaneis one month, living in tholos
Areopagus council/ council of ex-arkhons Oldest body of government, consisting of ex-arkhontes Meets at Areopagus (Crag of Ares) Guardian of laws/court for some crimes Membership indirectly open to most over 30, chosen by lot
Chief Arkhon: Festivals, family matters, gives name to year “King” Arkhon: Religious life Polemarkhos: Lawsuits involving metoikoi (resident foreigners) and visiting foreigners Thesmothetai: Organise judicial administration, preside over jury courts
Ten strategoi (sing. strategos): military commanders, NOT chosen by lot, but one from each tribe
leitourgia (pl. leitourgiai “liturgy”) trireme eisphorai (war taxes)
Salamis Mykale Delian League Peloponnesian Wars Khaironeia (338 BC) Termination of Athenian democracy (322 BC) Aristotle (384-322 BC), Politics