Welcome, Band Parents! Tonight’s Agenda: Communication, Communication, Communication What supplies/equipment does my child need? Uniform Instrument Rentals
Communication Remind Website Email (via Infinite Campus - for 6th graders) Google Classroom (for students only)
Website CVMS Home Page Teachers/Staff Kondo
Email 6th Grade Parents, please be sure your email address is accurate in Infinite Campus. You can check this with the front office. 5th Grade Parents, I will send emails to you separately by creating an email group. I currently have email addresses for: Tyler Sentell, Dalton Nixon, Malena VanWagenen, Annalise Irving, Corey Yenkole, Brooke Jones, Kailynn Dollar, Holly Hastings, Blakley Williams, Nephi Langkilde, Emery Meenan, and Dakota Reed. Please see me before leaving tonight if your child’s name is not on this list.
Google Classroom Students only. Must use district-issued log-in. Students will use this to submit assignments and practice logs.
What does my child need for this class? *A Binder (½ inch or 1 inch) *5-Tab Dividers *Binder paper *A pencil (or two, in case one breaks) *An Instrument *“Essential Elements for Band” Book 1 (for THEIR instrument) *Any ‘extras’ for their instrument (see next slide)
“Extras” All instruments need: -Cleaning kit (includes some sort of swab and a polishing cloth) Clarinets and Saxes: -Reeds *Start with Rico (they’re cheapest) *Start with strength 1.5 or 2 -Cork Grease Trumpets and Trombones: -Valve Oil (for trumpets) -Slide Grease/Cream (for Trombones)
Instrument Selection: Brass: Woodwinds: Percussion:
Uniform You will need to be sure your child has: -Black dress pants (NOT leggings) -White dress shirt (Long-sleeved, collared, button-down) -Tall black socks I will send home order forms for our uniform shoes by mid-Sept.
Instrument Rental! MusicArts.com I will take you to the computer lab and walk you through the process. Instruments arrive at the school and I will give them to your children. Payments are made online. All payments are part of their “Rent-to-Own” program. Rental must be continuous, however, so if you return the instrument for the summer, your accrued money disappears. All needed supplies autofill into your “Cart” online. Repairs can be brought to “Guitar Center” or “Muzic Fuze” in Reno
Instrument Rental! Absolute Music Located in Reno. You must physically go to the shop to rent the instrument, but they keep instruments stocked up, so you will walk away with the instrument in hand. Most/All necessary supplies should be in stock. If not, they can order them for you, or you can order from Amazon. All payments are part of the “Rent-to-Own” program. Repairs are done in-store.