Apocalyptic Literature Eschatology Apocalyptic Literature
Definition Writings which “contain alleged revelations of the secret purposes of God, the end of the world, and the establishment of God's kingdom on earth.” - Milton Terry
Characteristics Symbolic – Many symbols appear which require careful interpretation. Cyclic – There are frequently repeated cycles of events, patterns, or numbers. Angelic – The means by which special revelations are communicated is often through the administration of angels with the balance coming by dreams and visions.
Pessimistic – Each of these books reflect prophecy of impending judgment. There is little contained therein that offers much hope during the time of judgment except in the promises of God to defend His elect people. Salvific – In each book there is found an expectation of restoration after the judgment. Israel will be restored (Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Revelation), there will be a kingdom (Daniel and Revelation), and the world will be remade and evil removed (Revelation).
Interpretation Symbolism – Symbolism is inescapable in apocalyptic literature. Therefore is must be addressed. A misinterpretation of the symbol has profound effect upon the ultimate interpretation of the passage. At the same time it ought not to be assumed that the symbols are intended to shroud the prophecy in obscurity. “The purpose of the symbols in Revelation is not to conceal but to reveal in an easily grasped, universal form of communication.”
Futurism – It is important to understand that this type of literature is always prophetic in character. Structuralism – The manner in which the book is organized is an important key to the interpretation of its contents. Many mistakes have been made in interpreting the book of Revelation by failing to see the patterns of the judgments. Parallelism – There are parallels to current circumstances.