Paper 2 Crash Course
Basics Question 1: Methodology- 25 marks Question 2: Approach - 25 marks Questions 3 or 4: Study Application and Connection (20 marks) 70 Marks total
Question 1 - Methodology Part A: Know the features of the following: Self Report (Psychometrics, Interviews, Questionnaires) Case Study Lab experiment Field Experiment Natural Experiment Naturalistic Observation (Participant Observation) Snapshot vs longitudinal Quantitative vs qualitative Independent Groups vs Repeated Measures
Question 1-Methodology Part B: Remember that All Students Are Very Cool Dude Aim (Same as original unless otherwise stated) Sample (Number, demographics, and collection method) Apparatus (Controls (situational, participant, experiment)) Variables- IV and DV if experiment, information collected if other Collection - Procedure, face to face or otherwise, directions, etc Data-Quantitative and Qualitative, and whether correlations or differences
Question 1-Methodology Part C - What tradeoffs occur? For Ethics, Remember DR. DICH Deception, RTW,Debriefing, Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Harm Other Key Topics include: Generalisability Validity Reliability Access to Sample Ecological Validity Social Desirability/Demand Characteristics Observer Bias Situational Variables
Question 2-Approach Part A: Be able to define the five approaches: Cognitive, social, developmental, physiological, and individual differences Potentially, it may no be an approach question. You might have to define one of the following instead: Generalisations, Reductionism, Snapshot or Longitudinal, Ethnocentric Bias, Reliability and Validity, Nature vs. Nurture, Dispositional vs Situational, or usefulness
Question 2-Approach Part B: Tie the term to the study. Write 2 or 3 sentences to clearly lay out logic. Examples: In Billington, more men are born as systematizers and more women as empathizers. Therefore, It supports the nature debate because it could be genetic factors. (nature nurture) In Maguire, the psychologists use PET scans to test brain wave activity. Since the right hippocampus lights during semantic topographical memory, it shows that biology connects to our psychology. (Physiological Approach)
Question 2-Approach Part C and D: Either “Discuss the extent” or “Give strengths and weaknesses” (10 Marks) If discuss the extent, at least two points. If strengths and weaknesses, at least two strengths and two weaknesses.
Question 3 and 4-Multi Study application Part A: Define quickly and accurately.
Question 3 and 4-Multi Study application Part B: Discuss all three studies given. 3 Marks per study. Fo data collection, focus more on apparatus then the procedure itself.
Question 3-Multi-Study applications Part C: Use all three studies if possible, but you can apply to one with three different points if desired.