WW2 OverSimplified (Part 1, 1:00 – 13:35) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uk_6vfqwTA [1] The beginning of fascism … [2] Japan’s attacks China … [3] Examples of “appeasement” towards Hitler … [4] How Germany defeats France? [5] Why Great Britain is not conquered?
Huge rallies were staged and broadcast via radio “Cult of Personality” Hitler ordered all but the official Nazi radio transmission to be cancelled. There was no television, computer, cell phone or other electronic visual technology in the home. “We are yours” is depicted in the stadium. Huge rallies were staged and broadcast via radio
** “The Law for the protection of German blood and German honor” 1935 Nuremberg Laws (1935) ** “The Law for the protection of German blood and German honor” 1938 Kristallnacht. A synagogue burns in Siegen, Germany. - Nov. 9 – 10, 1938 ** Summarize from book and video
1938 Forced Labor Camps Starting in 1938, private German citizens & the German government began exploiting Jewish citizens. Forced Labor!! More than 1 million Jewish men & women
1939 German soldiers brutalizing a Jew in the street.
Molotov –Ribbentrop Pact, Aug. 23, 1939 Soviet-Germany Non-Aggression Pact U.S.S.R. & Germany avoid war Hitler avoids two fronts Gives Stalin time to mobilize Russia & Germany divide Eastern Europe
Invasion of Poland Sept. 17 – Soviet Union attacks. Blitzkrieg … - September 1, 1939: called by Hitler the “1939 Defensive War” because “Germans in Poland are persecuted with a bloody terror … border violations … Poles no longer are willing to respect the German frontier.” Sept. 17 – Soviet Union attacks. Blitzkrieg … Consequence: official declarations of war.
“Generalplan Ost” - (1) Based upon the policy of Lebensraum … - (2) Extermination of Jews and Slavic peoples … - (3) And Hitler’s belief in “autarky,” a nation had to be complete self-sufficient …
“Generalplan Ost” Or “Master Plan East”
1939 Ghettos - Beginning in 1939, Jewish quarters of cities where inhabitants were forced to live in close confines. - Miserable conditions … - Starting in 1943 the Ghettos were destroyed.
1939 Operation Barbarossa Largest military operation, land invasion, and number of casualties in the history of warfare. (22 June – 5 December 1941) 4 million German soldiers invade Consequence: Opens up the Eastern Front
German Expansion Through Western Europe March, 1938 – Occupation of Austria Oct., 1938 – Occupation of Sudetenland March., 1939 – Occupation of rest of Czechoslovakia Sept. 1, 1939 – Invasion of Poland April 9, 1940 – Invasion of Denmark & Norway May, 1940 – Invasion of “Low Countries” June, 1940 – Invasion of France July-Oct., 1940 – Battle of Britain
(1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? Video: “THE PATH TO NAZI GENOCIDE” (15:00 – 37:25) (1) What caused the German people to trust and support Hitler? (2) Summarize the progression of Nazi persecution and murder towards Jewish peoples? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRcNq4OYTyE 26:00 to the end …
Humiliation, brutality, then murder… “You are ordered to kill Jews.”
1939 Einsatzgruppen Four special military units that executed massacres …
March, 1941
A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union. [Einsatzgruppen detail]
Main entrance to Auschwitz “Work makes one free.” 1942 ** What was the purpose behind the “Final Solution?” - Nazi leadership were worried about the emotional turmoil mass shootings were having German soldiers - More “systematic way.” Main entrance to Auschwitz “Work makes one free.”
Jewish transfer
- Extermination facilities built at many of the concentration camps - Designed to kill thousands of people daily
WW2 OverSimplified (Part 1, 1:00 – 13:35) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uk_6vfqwTA [1] The beginning of fascism … [2] Japan’s attacks China … [3] Examples of “appeasement” towards Hitler … [4] How Germany defeats France? [5] Why Great Britain is not conquered?