Steps scientist use to solve a problem The Scientific Method Steps scientist use to solve a problem
Problem What we are trying to solve Always written in the form of a question Questions begin with what, why, how and when.
Research Gathering information (data) by reading and/or experimenting.
Hypothesis Suggested solution to a problem based upon what is already known about the problem An educated guess
Experiment Design an experiment to test the hypothesis Decide what materials are needed for the experiment List the procedures for the experiment
Observe, Record, Analyze Any observations you make, including all measurements must be written down carefully Data may be recorded in tables, charts, or graphs.
After you have collected all of the data- carefully study and examine it in order to draw a conclusion.
Conclusion After studying the data, discover the correct answer to the original problem Check to see if the answer supported your hypothesis.
Example Problem: How may drops of water will a penny hold? Research: Hypothesis: I believe that the penny will hold ____ drops of water Experiment: materials- Procedures-
Observe, Record, Analyze Conclusion