Objectives of RFN Study RFN study has three basic but integrated and wide objectives. 1. To interpret the Economic Development Plans into spatial physical form. 2. To form the framework for National Physical Planning and Development. 3. To provide the basis upon which the national infrastructure, public and social amenities are to be planned and implemented.
RFN Principles 1. To optimise utilization of land and other natural resources 2. To promote environmental awareness and quality. 3. To encourage equitable regional development. 4. To make Malaysia globally competitive. 5. To enhance quality of life.
ADMINISTRATION BASE MAP PHYSICALPLANNINGPHYSICALPLANNING Others Mining Local Plan Land Cover Forest Committed Development Built up Agriculture Structure Plan Water body ECONOMICSECONOMICS Fishery Forestry GDP Income Industrial Estate Labour Livestock Logging Mining Tourism Agricultural Activities E N V IR O N M E N T A L Agro- Ecological Erosion Risk Flood Heritage Hydrogeology Marine Water Intake Well Wetlands Wildlife POPULATIONPOPULATION Existing Projection SOCIAL AMINITIESSOCIAL AMINITIES Hospital Stadium Town University Hotel TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTATION Airports Railways Roads Seaports NATURALFEATURESNATURALFEATURES Catchments Contour Geology Lake Reservoir River River Basin Slope Soil UTILITIES & INFRASUTILITIES & INFRAS Electricity Gas Utility Model Data RFN Region State District Mukim H O U S I N G Committed Existing Land Development Low Cost Achievement Surplus- Shortfall RFN GIS DATABASE
ANALYSIS STEPS : 1. Initial sectoral analysis Distribution, existing use and characteristics 2. Cross-sectoral analysis To generate Development Planning constraints and potentials scenario 3. Alternative Development Strategies Using Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) to generate alternative desirable scenarios for Land Uses.
WHAT S THE EXPECTED OUTPUT ? 1. Getting sectoral expectation of the output 2. To detail the classification, ranking, etc *** to have a road map to the meet the output *** Example
NPP Level 1 NPP/RSN Level 1a NPP/RSN Level 2 RSN Level 2a RTD Level 3 1. Built-up 1.1 Residential 1.11 Planned Housing Terrace Low Cost Medium Cost Standard Others Semi-Detached Low Cost Medium Cost Standard Others Detached Low Cost Medium Cost Standard Others Flats Low Cost Medium Cost Standard Others 1.12 Traditional Housing Kampung New Villages Land Development Orang Asli 1.13 Squatter 1.2 Industrial 1.21 Heavy1.211 Steel Cement Tiles 1.22 Medium 1.23 Light 1.24 Service 1.3 Commercial 1.31 Town Centre1.311 Commercial/Office Lot Shopping Complex Office Block Shophouses/Shop Office/Shop Apartment Prewar Shophouse Post War Shophouse Shop Apartment Shop Office NPP DATA LEVEL
INTER-SECTORAL BASIC ANALYSIS - Example Data Requirement Model Flowcharting
LAND AVAILABILITY ANALYSIS Land Availability Sieved ESA 1,2 and 3 Model Flowcharting of Land Availability Analysis Merge Union and Sieve Land Available for Development
LAND SUITABALITY FOR ECONOMY SCENARIO Factors and Criterion Used in Land Suitability Analysis Spatial Non-Spatial
Hilly Land (0.250) Low Land (0.750) Topography – 12 o (0.740) 12 – 20 o (0.166) o (0.094) Slope Class 1 (0.033) Class 2 (0.063) Class 3 (0.129) Class 4 (0.261) Class 5 (0.513) Soil Class 0.070
National Socio-economic development planning component Project Planning Component policy framework for project economic growth target Socioeconomic - target / policies National Socio-economic - planning component National Spatial Planning Component Project Planning Component new project commitments framework for project formulation policy framework id entification economic growth target - Distribution of population and economic activities Integrated Nature of National Development Planning
RFN RTD RSN Govt. Agencies Federal level Govt. Agency State Level Local Government Govt. Agency State Level Govt. Agencies Federal level Local Government NALIS INFRASTRUCTURE