cred, credit = to believe Words incredulous - not believing, skeptical credulity - gullibility credence – belief creed – belief credulous - gullible
curr, curs = to run Words excursion - journey cursory - brief precursor – forerunner current – existing (running) now, flow of water incur – to experience or acquire (usually unpleasant, such as to incur expenses)
dem = people Words democracy – rule of the people demagogue – false leader of the people epidemic – widespread (among the people)
derm = skin Words epidermis - skin pachyderm – thick-skinned quadruped dermatology – study of skin and its disorders hypodermic – involving area beneath the skin
dic, dict = to say Words abdicate - renounce diction – speech, word choice verdict – statement of jury edict – a decree benediction - blessing, good wishes (“good say”)
doc, doct = to teach Words docile - obedient; easily taught document – something that provides evidence doctor – a learned person (a teacher) doctrine – rule or principle
duc, duct = to lead Words induct – to install one into office (to lead into) deduct – to subtract (to lead away) seduce – lead aside duct – a channel or tube through which something can flow or be carried
ego = I Words egotist – selfish person egocentric – revolving around one’s self egomaniac – obsession with one’s self (dangerously so)
err = to wander Words error - mistake erratic - changing directions, wandering, not predictable errant – wandering from an intended course, unacceptable behavior
eu = good, well Words eulogy – spoken or written tribute euphoric – extremely happy or excited euphemism – a less offensive term euphonic - a pleasant sound