Understanding paid for social media Will Barker – Project Support Officer (Social Media & Digital) @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Paid vs Organic Organic Free. Content that you’re posting on your social media channels that you’re not paying to reach people with. Paid Costs you money. The same (or different) content that you’re posting for free, but that is (potentially) reaching much larger audiences than you otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn all offering it now, with Instagram and Snapchat coming soon, but already open to big business. Potentially – because some of the biggest campaigns that have happened in the last year have been organic/viral #nomakeupselfie #icebucketchallenge #findmike #EmployAdam - £500 cost for a billboard – huge coverage across national press and ended up getting a job with Seachange (digital agency) as a viral producer for projects Any others? @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Paid vs Organic Facebook algorithm, EdgeRank, making it harder and harder for posts to be seen organically, unless you’re one of the big boys or your engagement is through the roof. (which I guess none of ours is? Ours isn’t!) May have 3,000+ page likes, but your posts only reaching 10% of those, if that. Anyone know their percentage? Has that gone down or up over the last 6-12 months? @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Paid vs Organic @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker Point is – Facebook changes this all the time, so what is working or not working now, probably won’t work or not work in the future @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Paid vs Organic @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker Making our jobs harder to reach people in the ways we expect to...but just a reminder that the more time you can put into it, the more rewards you should see. All is not lost on organic posts... Organic tips Facebook insights can give you a helping hand with reaching more people organically – look at when the majority of your audience is online and post at those times – ours is just before lunchtime and around 9pm most days. See which types of content give you the most back – and do it more. Most likely to be pictures, links and videos above just text. @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Why then? Measurement Talking to people in a place they have chosen Reach more people than you ever could in traditional press Tell your own story, in your own way Own your content Why not? Measurement – better insight into how your content is working, in a dashboard for you to see easily Talking to people in a place they have chosen – integrating yourself in everyday life and not interrupting their viewing Reach more people than you ever could in traditional press – most campaigns will give you at least 20,000 reach for very little money. WM is about 30,000 but with FB you get to choose a relevant audience. Tell your own story, in your own way – you create the messaging, you control the story Own your content Why not? – What is stopping you from trialing it? If it doesn’t work for you – at least you know it doesn’t work for you @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Getting started @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
What are you trying to get for your money? Promote your page – more likes – but is that a priority? Boost your post – might be better for a one off piece of content like video or images Send people to your website – read something or more information on your campaign – better for ongoing campaigns Increase conversation – need HTML in your website to track actions taken on that page Upload video – more focus on posting videos directly to Facebook now instead of linking through YouTube, so if you have a great video and that is all you are promoting, try this @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
What do you want it to look like? Image is most important as needs to catch the eye of the busy Facebook user you are trying to target. Can choose up to 6 photos to promote (crop them accordingly) – this gives you the option to try things out & see which is getting most engagement then do more of that Can add short bits of text that need to be punchy, to the point and memorable – what would you click on? WE DID A VIDEO – watch here Or We have just launched a new film offering people advice about A&E featuring a rising star Add a call to action if needed, which can be useful for click throughs @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Who do you want it to target? Don’t NEED to use all fields here – only those that matter to you Can go as wide or as niche as you require, drill down to country and surrounding areas – useful for local targeting (Sing with Us Example) Can choose language if needed Add in demographics and interests – but remember to keep in mind what people affiliate themselves with on Facebook, because that’s your best chance of reaching people who matter to you Behaviour – purchase behaviour Connections – people who already like your page, friends of those people, or completely new people As you choose your audience, the dial on the right will show your estimated reach for the campaign @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
How much do you want it to cost? Start little, evaluate and add to it – play around with small amounts of money first Optimise for your objective – if it’s a website click add, choose optimise for website clicks – that’s my chosen one because you're paying for an actual action, not just them seeing it. Work out your lifetime budget and then choose your daily amount – spreads your costs better I have found and you get more overall from it @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Analysing the analytics Actions taken as a result of your campaign Increase in page likes Other posts on your page liked 28 day period of actions - download Always look at your final reach and actions taken on the campaign or boosted post Do more and benchmark against eachother @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Analysing the analytics Campaign thatw as running for 2-3 months promoting a mass participation event – 85,000 paid reach Did a couple of boosts and some downtime, mixed it with offline marketing and organic social media content @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Analysing the analytics Boosted post analytics example @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Matching paid and organic When running ads, make sure your organic content is great too – no point getting that engagement and then the user switching off because the rest is not as good Use your influencers to help spread your paid for content as well @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Remember Requires great content to be successful Focus relentlessly on your aim Start small, experiment Quality targeting for quality community building Use your influencers Don’t forget about organic Monitor, measure and learn Grab attention, clear concise and impactful messaging to get that click through to your content/page/website whatever it is your selling @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker
Useful links Facebook advertising tips - https://www.facebook.com/business/a/online-sales/ad-targeting-details How EdgeRank works - http://frontmag.no/artikler/marketing/how-does-facebooks-timeline-work #EmployAdam http://www.adampacitti.com/employadam.html @1000LivesPlus / @willdotbarker