Bill of Rights First Ten Amendments
First Amendment #1: Speech #2: Assembly #3:Petition #4: Press #5: Religion
But be careful……. It does not cover… Slander- spoken lies Libel-published lies
Protects the right to bear arms. Second Amendment Protects the right to bear arms.
Third Amendment Prohibits the FORCED housing of soldiers In times of peace…you need owner’s permission In times of war…Requires legal authorization
Fourth Amendment #1: Protects against unreasonable search and seizure
And….. #2:A search warrant must be signed by a judge….only after officers establish “probable cause”
Fifth Amendment #1: All capital cases must be heard by a Grand jury #2: No Double Jeopardy
Fifth Amendment Cont. #3: No self-incrimination #4: All are given due process #5: Government cannot take property without giving you some compensation
Sixth Amendment #1: Speedy and Public trial with a jury in district #2: Need to know what you’re charged with
Sixth Amendment cont. #3: Witnesses for and against the accused #4: Right to an attorney (receive counsel/lawyer)
Seventh Amendment Jury trial in civil cases involving more than $20 Common Law: Juries have final say!
Eighth Amendment #1:cruel and unusual punishment Prohibits… #1:cruel and unusual punishment #2: excessive bail and fines
Ninth Amendment States that the rights of the people are NOT limited to those spelled out in the Constitution Powers reserved to the People
Tenth Amendment Powers Reserved to State (if not forbidden)