Testing, Curriculum and Innovative Instruction Elementary – large school January 6, 2017
Agenda 8-9:00 Collaborative Conversations W2 Feedback Progress Reports 9-10 Trainings and Updates W3 Training SEA & AC 10:05 - 10:50 Session 1 10:55 - 11:40 Session 2 Agenda
Window 2 Feedback A Teacher’s Dream – Taking the baby for a walk W2 reflection – Sarah’s perspective W2 reflection – Your perspective Complete the W2 feedback chart as an individual, pair, local school, or table. Notate how many people participated in your chart in the upper right hand corner. The feedback will be gathered, tabulated, and analyzed by the CEC and Advisory Council. Leave completed feedback forms in the on your table upside down for pick-up. Window 2 Feedback
Quarterly Feedback and Progress Reports A Table Talk Discussion for developing consistent practices
W3 Testing Calendar December/January SLO window– screening data K students will take RI and MI as part of their SLO’s. A cut-off score requirement will be emailed to schools and posted in the Admin newsletter in February. March K students who did not meet the RI and/or MI cut-off yet show tremendous academic potential may be given the DRA. Students scoring at Lv G and above should be assessed further. Train K teachers on use of rating scale. April Pick up test materials – NNAT A’s, IOWA 5/6, and GRS-P from Central Office. A GRS-P should be administered for all students who met the testing criteria Send home GF3-K. Determine reported referrals and submit. May – testing and paperwork 1-12 Test Window 3 - Half-day Target as needed 15- 16 Warehouse date for paperwork check for test/paperwork 18-19 Send home GF 4/5’s 19 - Last day of Target classes 22-24 – Talent Development lessons 25th – 26th Communicate with feeder schools regarding upcoming students 26th - End of year paperwork must be submitted to ALP office by this date W3 Testing Calendar
MA: NNAT Lv A Achievement: IOWA 5/6 - R and M, L can be given for CC is R & M are both 88-89. If R or M is 85-89 and RI/ MI is advanced in first request Iowa 7 as needed Cr/Mot: GRS-P Just Cr and Mot Train K teachers on characteristics of gifted students – video Only completed by classroom teacher – no collaboration unless unusual circumstance No follow-up this year Students to be served in August of 2016 W3 Testing
W3 Testing Window 3 – reported referrals No MP evals - CAIMIs possible Parent letter to go home with GF 5’s Directs them to video and website which both say 2 rating scales cannot be used Highlight statement on GF 5’s about two rating scales Window 3 – reported referrals No MP evals - CAIMIs possible Limited TTCTs W3 Testing
Scoring Keys for NNAT A and Iowa 5/6 provided to each local school Use of manual for scoring GRS-P No required partners for W3 but HIGHLY recommended prior to the warehouse Reminders - NNAT: Determine the NNAT raw score using the hand scoring guide. Determine the scaled score, NAI and %ile using the 2011 spiral bound supplement. Use the yr/mo range. NO ROUNDING UP Reminders – Iowa: Round scaled scores to the nearest whole number. Ex 145.5 =146 Directions with page numbers to come by email in follow-up Teasley scoring charts Scoring
SEA The basics Need for instructors Theme Dates and Times Job roles Pay Need for instructors SEA
AC Updates and Reminders GES/MP not included in AC motivation rubric for 2017-2018 Need to know of interested schools and numbers by April Teacher training in June 4th and 5th open next year AC Updates and Reminders