Mobile Game Marketing Welcome to my presentation on the mobile games market.
Games for your mobile phone What are Mobile Games? Games for your mobile phone Tablets Angry Birds Flappy Bird So what are mobile games? Now the first thing that may come to mind is, games for your mobile phone? Now with that being true you can also play mobile video games on other devices such as, tablets and even iPods and music players alike. Some well known mobile games are as follows. Angry birds A more recent one, flappy bird And widely popular fruit ninja iPods Fruit Ninja
Mobile Market Success 2013 £200 Million Angry Birds Flappy Bird £50k per day Clash of the Clans Now I’m going to talk a little about the success the mobile games market has had in the past recent years. First of all Angry birds, one of the most well know mobile game to date, reaches 200 million pounds in annual revenue by the end of 2013. Flappy bird, a more recent popular mobile game, flappy bird was making 50 thousand pounds worth of revenue a day when it was released. Clash of the clans, another insanely popular mobile game. Makes 892 million dollars worth of revenue by the end of 2013. Finally, candy crush saga. This game is incredibly addictive so you might be wondering the numbers this wall rolling in. Well candy crush saga reached… 1.5 BILLION dollars worth of revenue by the end of 2013. $892 Million Candy Crush Saga $1.5 Billion
The Growth of the Mobile Games Market 350 Million Phones with the snake game ‘Mobile gaming above $100 billion by 2017’ Finally the growth of the mobile games market. The first game to come out for mobile games was snake. On estimate 350 million phones had the game snake on them. Research shows that by the year 2017, the mobile gaming market will be worth more than 100 billion dollars. Technology is always growing and the mobile gaming market is growing with it. More devices with more power are being made and mobile games are being made along side them. Popular computer games are having mobile versions of the game made more and more now. A good example for this is minecraft. An incredibly popular PC game that has a mobile version to it. Minecraft was recently sold to microsoft for 2.5 billion dollars. Mobile gaming expanding out to other devices
To Conclude... The Mobile Games Market is growing fast!