The Qualifications Platform - qp Linking qualifications professionals worldwide
What is the QP? The idea – an international “virtual community” and network of practitioners. Response to global trend for qualifications systems reforms – provide a shared space for people working on qualifications and QFs. The aim - To facilitate access to structured information and mutual policy learning for institutions and stakeholders developing qualifications, systems and frameworks.
What is the QP? Needs of ETF partner countries that are reforming their qualifications systems Focus on practical issues like good practices, examples, questions, new approaches and solutions to common issues Open to all who can contribute and gain from mutual learning Network with peers, join discussions, get answers and access resources on a range of qualifications issues
QP objectives Provide & develop information & analysis on qualifications and QFs Facilitate access to structured information and mutual learning from practical experiences Facilitate online collaboration for professionals in qualifications Enhance existing EU cooperation in third countries, including: Supporting the reform of qualifications systems in EU partner countries, Adding value to the policy dialogue & cooperation on qualifications
How to participate? Please visit and register at: Also follow us on Twitter @ETF_QP