Deciding on your MSA 698 Research Topic
MSA 698 Project needs to be: Important / Useful Administrative Concentration Related Not too broad Is Contextual to an organization or department within Not a Yes/No question
MSA 698 Topic Ideas What leaders worry about What the literature says What you notice What the literature says Start thinking about problems in your workplace or another organization you are familiar with. Ask managers / leadership what the pressing issues are. Start reading the literature early. Think of issues with: People, Processes, Products, etc.
MSA 698 Problem Mapping MSA 601 Org Behavior Sub-question: Theories Incorporated: MSA 603 Strategic Plan Sub-question: Theories Incorporated: Main Problem*: Main Research Question: *Make sure is administrative and relates to your concentration MSA 602 Financial An. Sub-question: Theories Incorporated: MSA 604 : Admin, Global., and MultiC Sub-question: Theories Incorporated:
MSA 698 Problem Mapping MSA 601 Org Behavior: How can Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs be utilized to improve motivation and retention? Theories Incorporated: MSA 603 Strategic Planning: a) Conduct a SWOT Analysis b) How will the program be incorporated into the company's Vision / Mission / Strategy / Goals. Theories Incorporated: Main Problem*: XYZ Co is having issues with motivation and retention within their call center. Main Research Question: How can XYZ Co. design an employee development program for our call center that improves motivation, and retention, and has a positive ROI? (will need to see the proposed program in one of the papers!) *Make sure is administrative and relates to your concentration MSA 602 Financial An.: What is the budget and ROI for the program? Theories Incorporated: MSA 604 : Admin, Global., and MultiC: How can we effectively take a multicultural approach to the program? Theories Incorporated: