RED PYRAMID ARTIFACT: SOURCE INFORMATION: The third largest pyramid in eygpt , the red pyramid was so named because of the red hue of its stones. The red pyramid is open to the general public visitors can climb down an ancient 200-foot (61m)-long shaft into burial chambers below. The shaft is only 3 feet (1m) high , so visitors must make the descent hunched over. Thompson , Aaron. Red pyramid. Dashur. October 2006. Web. 11/13/14 Thursday.
BROTHER AND SISTER ARTIFACT: SOURCE INFORMATION: Egyptian children spend a lot of time with their extended families growing up this brother and sister spend the day with their grandfather at the caf’e where they can play while he helps the customers. Thompson , Aaron. Brother and sister. Cairo. October 2006. Web. 11/13/14 Thursdsay.
PYRAMID OF DJOSER ARTIFACT: SOURCE INFORMATION: The oldest pyramid in Egypt , the pyramid of D Joser is also known as the “step pyramid” for its layered design. The structure was built for the pharaoh Djoser in 27th century BC , and the stones were originally encased in polished white marble. Thompson , Aaron. Pyramid of Djoser. Saqqara. October 2006. Web. 11/13/14 Thursday.
DOME ARTIFACT: SOURCE INFORMATION: The dome is one of the primary features of a mosque , usually placed directly above the prayer hall , the dome is often decorated with intricate carvings or mosaics in geometric designs. Human representation for purpose of worship is outlawed by Islamic law. Thompson , Aaron. Dome. Cairo. October 2006. Web. 11/13/14 Thursday.
YOUNG EGYPTIANS ARTIFACT: SOURCE INFORMATION: Thompson , Aaron. Young Egyptians. Gold island. October 2006. Web. 11/13/14 Thursday. Many young Egyptians today wear a combination of modern and traditional clothing. These two children wear modern shirts , while the girl wears traditional head covering common in the Islamic world.