Children’s Literature Books and stories introduce children to the world of reality and fantasy. They are also great teaching tools!
Free powerpoint template: Value of Reading Ideas Vocabulary Emotions Quiet time Humor Imagination Sense of right and wrong Reading readiness Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Book Selection S imple plot T hings that rhyme O ne main character R epetition I ncludes direct conversation E nding is definite S ituations are familiar Free powerpoint template:
Activity Options with Stories Flannel boards Finger plays Drama Drawing Free powerpoint template:
Reading a Story with a group of children… Take time for questions, input and ideas Relate the story to the child’s life. Design a follow-up activity based on the story. Free powerpoint template:
Literature Based Activity Plan In your small quad, pick a book (preschool aged) and then plan an activity plan around that book. Make puppets based on the activity plan and developmental goals Free powerpoint template:
Free powerpoint template: Class Presentation As a group you will explain these parts of the Activity Plan: Name of book Curriculum area Developmental goals Closure questions Free powerpoint template: