Data Hexadecimal
Hexadecimal Programmers often use hexadecimal numbers as a shorthand for binary to save time. Hexadecimal (hex) numbers are based on the number 16. Each column has a value 16 times that of the one on its right. place value 256 16 1 There are 16 different values available in hex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Letters are used for values 10-15 to ensure that only single digits are used. Complete tasks 5.1 and 5.2.
Hexadecimal to Binary Questions: Convert 2D to binary. Converting between hexadecimal and binary is particularly easy. You just take each character and convert it into the equivalent binary number. In this example we will convert DB hex to binary. Hex D B Denary 13 11 Binary 1 Questions: Convert 2D to binary. Convert EF to binary. Complete tasks 5.3 and 5.4.
Binary to Hexadecimal Questions: Convert 00110111 to hex. You convert between binary and hexadecimal by doing the reverse. You just take each group of four binary digits, starting from the right and convert it into the equivalent hex number. In this example we will convert 11110011 to hexadecimal: Binary 1 Hex F 3 Questions: Convert 00110111 to hex. Convert 10100101 to hex. Complete tasks 5.5.